Monday, August 27, 2012

One Pound Weights Will Work, Right?

There’s this log by the side of the road – I pass it on my way to work. It just appeared one day, out of the blue. I’m intrigued by it & wonder what it might have to tell me.

I was thinking of carrying it around like the Log Lady of Twin Peaks. Remember how her log told her things?

Source: flamelikeme

But I suspect that I’m not strong enough to carry around a log that large. So I started a weight training regimen.

How long do you reckon until I’m ready?


  1. It would probably tell you it fell off of a truck carrying firewood. LOL.

  2. I just made the transition from five pound weights to ten. I sometime move back down depending on what exercise I am doing.

    You will be hauling that log around in no time:)

  3. and oh I used to watch twin peaks and I totally can't remember the log lady...


  4. I started out with 10 pound weights! I can still handle the 10 pound ones but since I moved and quit going to the gym I've lost the ability with 15 pound weights. besides, I don't have any.

  5. Try carrying around a wooden match stick or a toothpick. It's still wood, right? You just might have to hold it closer to your ear in order to hear what it has to say since it's larynx is, you know, very tiny. ;)


  6. That probably fell out of an airplane high in the sky. That's what I'd think. Wooden you?

  7. When starting with a weight training regime, it's important that you start slow, to avoid injury. There is also no need for expensive equipment. For example, I started out by carrying a potato sack. After two weeks of that, I added one potato to it...

  8. The Log Lady! You know what's funny -- when Twin Peaks was on the air, she always seemed kind of old to me. And now that I see that photo, she doesn't look old at all. Everything's relative, I guess!

    Don't go hefting logs. That's a recipe for disaster. :)

  9. I know they say that women "our age" need to do strength training, and I have the weights too... but never pick them up. Heck, I'll just help you heave that log, how bout that? hehe

  10. Maybe it was meant to be a gift for your fireplace. Let it season well first. As to the lifting, if you can't build your own muscles fast enough, borrow someone else's.

  11. hehehe
    I brought some weights like your pink ones (only mine are turquoise) when we moved to Argentina. I just packed them for the move. Guess how many times I've used them in the past four years. Yep, that would be NADA.

    Hoping you have more motivation and stick-to-it-iveness than I do! Maybe you can motivate me. I should could use it :)


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