Sunday, August 12, 2012

Sundays in Zambia - the Croc Farm

This post originally appeared in February 2010.

One of the duties as a Journeyman was to help run herd on oversee the missionary children at our annual Mission Meeting held at Lake Kariba. This particular year we decided to take a field trip to the local crocodile farm. We saw lots of different sizes of crocodiles (including huge Satan) and the kids made me hold one. This is another example of being picked on because I was loved. It was love, right? Right? And that's the end of the story.

Here we come – watch out!

Wait, I'm too short – what are you guys looking at?


Don't I just look thrilled? At least they didn't ask me to hold Satan.


  1. What a daredevil you were! :c)

  2. You do look cute. And I like the purse-size croc you're holding.

  3. I would not be picking on Satan with anything less that a 10-foot pole!

  4. Were you old enough to be off in Africa by yourself? What a cutie! (you not the croc!)

  5. Ha! I was 23 in this picture - theoretically an adult. Theoretically :)

  6. We were in a doctor's office recently and a nurse asked if my wife's purse was real alligator. She answered in the affirmative. I said I should have asked if she wanted to see my scar from catching him!

  7. I met her when she was around 25...give me some credit for excellent taste! She was/is cute as a Bug...

  8. Oh, my gosh. Look at you! You've done something I've never done... and never will. Holding crock... NOT on my bucket list.

  9. That's kind of a cute little croc. The big one - not so much. The expression on your face is priceless. It looks like you're thinking, "Ok. Is this long enough? Can I give it back now?"

    That's the size of the rubber croc on the boat next to the one I'm currently working on. They stuck the thing on the foredeck to keep the birds away. I don't have a clue if it's working, but the croc sure got my attention a couple of days ago!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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