Saturday, June 15, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Four

Birds, flowers, and those orange “blooms” that seem to spring up along the roadsides this time of year…
Sunday, June 9th
We were watching the Tony awards & realized that we hadn’t taken a picture today! I decided that Cyndi Lauper would do…

Monday, June 10th  
I felt kind of bad when I saw this car – the Penguins were knocked out of the Stanley Cup last week.

Flowers from around the yard. I love our yard!

Tuesday, June 11th           
This tag made me laugh – even as I was trying to get close enough to get a picture. Ha!

Dr. M serenading the birds.

Ominous sky!

Wednesday, June 12th   
On my drive to work today I had to go through FIVE construction zones! And three of them had flaggers where I had to sit & wait before being allowed to go through. Sheesh! Fortunately by Thursday we were back to only two (they are bridge projects & will be going for a while).

Our Easter lilies are going strong. Well, the big one is – the other one is kind of a runt. We’ll see if it’s able to actually bloom.

We were supposed to get high winds & thunderstorms so we put some of the container plants in the garage, along with Mr. Gnome.

The moon!

Thursday, June 13th    
More flower pictures. The geranium is getting ready to bloom!

Mr. G got released from the bucket to his new work detail – guarding our miniature rose.

Our pet hummingbird.

The moon!

Friday, June 14th  
The State of the Bug: one of my ankles was swollen so I propped my feet up & crocheted for a little while during a break at work. I’m working on another prayer shawl.

Dr. M’s Facebook comment on this picture: "there's somethin' happening here...what it is, ain't exactly clear...there's a squirrel with a limb over there, telling me I've got to beware..."

Dove collage.

The moon!

Saturday, June 15th     
I had to do some things at church today and Dr. M came along to set up our new “butt can.” Seems to me that many of my Junior Warden duties involve using my husband as slave labor – ha! (I had to laugh – it arrived last week & here is Dr. M’s Facebook status from that day: Strange emails I've sent: "The new butt can is here!" #juniorwardenspouse)

As we were leaving I took some pictures of the little garden area by the door – I love its wild tangle of green & bloom.

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. LOL at that license plate!

    Love all your flower pics, but your hanging basket is the best. I'm tempted to get one now, just because yours looks so great.

    1. Buy it from a local nursery, PP...we get the best baskets from ours! I know the last two years we have bought from the same place with spectacular results. More expensive...sure...but just look at it!

  2. Love the picture of Dr, M serenading the birds. I hope you're having a great weekend.

  3. I hate butt cans. At the grocery stores they're always near the bike racks -- if there are bike racks. Do they really think cyclists want to smell that while we're locking/unlocking our bikes?

    Love the photos -- my favorite is the hummingbird.

    1. I hate them, too. This one is an experiment in hopes that people will put their butts in the receptacle rather than on the's a no-win situation, though :-(

  4. I like the photo of Dr. M on the back deck. That seems to capture the relaxing atmosphere of your yard. I'm sure the birds and squirrels appreciate the serenade. :)

    1. (I guess it's more a porch than a deck, but you know what I mean. :) )

    2. They liked Lead Belly's "Midnight Special" Steve :-)

  5. when i first saw the image "go pens" i thought - my, that person is keen on writing implements...

    Nice photos as ever

    1. Ha! They do love their writing implements in Pittsburgh. :-)

  6. Good Sunday morning my friend. Loved the pictures. Your flowers are amazing. I have missed seeing your P365. Will be more frequent now that I am not on the road.

  7. I love those big mixed hanging baskets, too. How can anyone pass them up? I have a beautiful one full of those little teeny purple and white flowers that look like mini-orchids. (I can never recall the name.) It also has coral-pink trumpet petunias. Gorgeous! Our friend owns a nursery, and his stock is the best. I agree with The Professor--buy local.

    1. Thank you, Nance. I can't wait until our local produce ripens!

  8. I always love reading about your week. How nice to do prayer shawls. That one is beautiful and I'm sure it will be much appreciated.

    1. It is beautiful! She really enjoys working with her hands, creating things like that.

  9. well. I was sure I had left a comment. go figure. love the garden at your church. and I think the squirrel is gathering materials for it's nest.

    1. I love the garden, too, Ellen. Some folks want a more manicured look, but I like it as is. And yes, I think little squirrel was freshening up the nest.

  10. Why was your ankle swollen? I hope it was a short and temporary condition!
    My Pakistani neighbor in Florida sang and talked to her plants and her apartment was like a jungle! Maybe Dr M's songs are why your garden is flourishing so much :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...