Saturday, June 1, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Twenty-Two

Well after our fabulous vacation it’s back to the back yard with us (mostly). Next week Dr. M starts teaching summer school so there might be a little more variety then. But first, we weren’t quite done with NC…

Sunday, May 26th
Dr. M visited his dad & got a picture of a bluebird. Of course he wouldn’t cooperate & show his blue back.

He also saw a lovely butterfly.

This is Baker’s Mountain, which was a backdrop to my childhood. I wish I had spent more time exploring it when I lived in the area!

While Dr. M was spending time with his dad & brother I was getting a ride in my sister-in-law’s new VW convertible – suh-weet! The State of the Bug – thinking that maybe I should have worn a scarf :)

Monday, May 27th – Memorial Day
We headed home today. Before we left I took this picture of Daddy & Amy. They were off to participate in an event honoring the veterans of Burke County. Daddy was going to sing the National Anthem & Amy was going to sign it. Don’t they look great?

As we were leaving we saw that someone had sent the Goodyear Blimp to send us off. Heh.

Dr. M stopped by the side of the road in West Virginia to pick up some rocks for our cairn. He took pictures of the rock strata – interesting!

Tuesday, May 28th           
Back to work for me. Dr. M took a bunch of pictures in our neighbor’s yard. You can see his post about it here.

Our hanging basket did very well under our neighbor’s care while we were gone!

Wednesday, May 29th   
This little downy was enjoying our neighbor’s feeder.

Thursday, May 30th    
Goldfinches! I’m so glad Dr. M figured out how to lure them back to our yard (got a new feeder & moved it closer to the trees).

We had a nocturnal visitor. I don’t mind her visiting – but I hope she doesn’t get mad while she’s in our yard!

My cold is pretty much gone, but now I’m being plagued by seasonal allergies – mostly with a dry annoying cough. Here’s what I had to say about this on Facebook: Berry Burst Flavor my considerable derriere! Sure it SMELLS like Kool-aid, but blech!

Friday, May 31st  
Dr. M got up early & took this moon shot.

When I got home from work Dr. M had surprised me by cleaning out the raised beds & planting some flowers - zinnias & marigolds! Earlier in the week he’d planted a couple of tomato plants (along with a couple of heirloom tomatoes that were volunteers). I was so tickled! I’ve wanted to do this for a couple of years but just never really got around to it. Thanks Dr. M! Please note the bug in the garden and a very special visitor!

He also spent some time this week working on our cairn. You can see my post about it here.

Saturday, June 1st    
This morning Dr. M surprised me by going to get a few purple flowers to add to the flower bed.

Here are the beds – can’t wait to see them all filled out.

Dr. M had also surprised me with some impatiens. And he moved one of the maple tree volunteers to the yard. And he fenced in the yarrow…

A different kind of bug in the garden!

The cypress vine looking all innocent.

Hard to believe that by August it will look like this!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. And in the background of all this, the Bugly! Yes, folks, the 2004 Pontiac Aztek...the ultimate road trip vehicle :-)

  2. Always a bit of a let-down coming home after vacation, but sounds like y'all jumped right back in! And Dr M sure had a productive week in the yard. Lovin' the hanging basket of flowers -- soooo pretty!
    You're right about the sweet ride :) How fun!

  3. I love these weekly retrospectives! Beautiful photos and a lovely life!

  4. What a charmer, that toad! I hope he hangs around for you.

  5. Your pics are so awesome, I always keep an eye on the scroll bar to estimate how many more pics are left. Just don't want it to end. And that bug with the long wings is all like, yeah, check me out; I'm the business!

  6. Great post as usual! Kudos to your dad and all those like him.

  7. What a sweet husband, that Dr. M! And hard working too. Lovely flowers! Is it just me or do the bluebird and the downy look all ruffledy-hot?

  8. Love all your pictures, but the one of the rock strata in West Virginia made me laugh. See, my boss is a geologist and he was in New Mexico recently for a conference and vacation. I got to see his pictures and got to admire hundreds of rocks, fossils, and rock strata photos.

    I sure hope your cough is getting better! It's the most annoying part of a cold, and it always seems to linger on long after the cold is gone.

  9. Dr. M is a sweetie pie, surprising you like that. Your hanging planter is really bursting out. I've never seen one more colorful.

    Amy and your dad look so cute and I'm lovin' Amy's star studded shirt. Give that skunk a wide berth or he will give you something to remember him by. Yikes.

    I need a new car. That VW looks very enticing. I know it has great gas milage.

    1. Either a sweetie pie or feeling guilty for never really knows ;-) Amy is a snazzy dresser! And yes, love that VW.

  10. You are lucky to have such a talented mate.

    But then, you knew that, didnt you.

  11. Thanks, y'all. As some of you recall, Amy's first husband, whom she lost to cancer, was a WWII vet who was shot down and captured by the Germans and spent time in a prisoner of war camp. Dana's dad's mother was sister to seven brothers who served in WWII, including one who died. Now they celebrate the choice of our nephew to serve his country as a combat medic. Memorial Day is never just a vacation day to them, nor should it be to any of us.

  12. when you say she was going to "sign" it i assume you mean American Sign Language

    I know some British Sign Language and the joke here is that BSL is a mostly two-handed sign language, whereas ASL is one handed so the Americans can still hold the burger in the other hand

    Again the flower shots are great, but i think i'll go for the skunk as my fave of the week

    1. Yes, ASL. And lol! We are masters of holding a burger in one hand while doing other stuff. Thanks!

  13. your dad and amy do look great!! love that car! i asked my resident bug expert what he thought that was, and he had no idea, but he sure enjoyed looking at it.
    gonna go read about your cairn. :-)


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