Thursday, June 6, 2013

How Did That Picture Get There?

I haven’t written a non-photo random post in a while. I know you’ve been missing that scary fascinating look inside my brain. So, here are some thoughts.

What do you call it when you have smoker’s hack but you don’t smoke? Spring allergies! I shouldn’t complain too much – there’s no sneezing or congestion going on. Just a dry, tickly cough that mostly annoys the people around me more than it annoys me. Score!

I finally have an answer to the question, “what is your favorite month?” May! And maybe parts of June – or all of it! It’s too soon to call June for faves. But May is definitely at the top of the list. Warm but not too warm, growing things, longer days… What’s not to love? (excluding the above-mentioned cough; also, not valid in Toronto & parts of northern Ohio; some restrictions apply)

We share a pet hummingbird with our neighbors (Must. Not. Post. Picture.). He has claimed the fence between our properties as his own & just sits there for minutes at a time. I’ve never seen one sit still for so long. I love how they don’t seem to get how tiny they are – so fierce!

Work has been a lot busier lately. Well, actually I’d say for the last six months or so. Which means I spend my down time staring at sparrows in the back yard or playing Farkle on Facebook. Playing Farkle badly I might add*. So mainly I have the brain capacity for watching sparrows whiz around. Well, not all the way around – that makes me dizzy. How about I just stare at that hummingbird over there?

Darn it - this was supposed to be a picture-free post!

*Farkle is a dice game which basically requires one skill: do I roll the dice again or take my current score? How hard could it be?


  1. i don't know that i have a favourite month as such - i'd probably go for that week in the autumn when all the leaves are golden, up until the point they fall off and make the place look so terrible :)

    1. I like autumn too - but it's always been bittersweet to me because I know winter's coming...

  2. I've always loved May: lilacs, lilies of the valley, new leaves, my herbs just starting to come up, putting the garden in...and my birthday!

    Farkle is a funny-sounding word. If I were still teaching, I'd totally use it as a silly last name for someone in a grammar sentence. (Ed Farkle loved collecting outdated computer parts.)

    1. Nance - I confess that I almost feeling like I'm cussing when I say "Farkle." Ha!

  3. Now you have me wanting to play Farkle... darn my work for blocking Facebook. Don't they know I need games in my life during the day? :)

    I hate when pictures slide in :)

    My favorite month - OCTOBER... the best Fall weather of them all...

  4. I have that same allergy throat tickle/cough, too. Very annoying. My favorite month is October...the summer heat is waning and I can again truly enjoy being outdoors.


    1. My cough finally went away with all this rain - how about you?

  5. LOVE hummingbirds!!! Such personality! kids love Farkle...I play to be a good sport but could live quite happily without it! :)

    1. I think we'ved talked before about how I should come over to your house & play with your kids :)

  6. Little birds (like your hummingbird and our parakeet) are so ferocious. I notice a lot of small dogs are that way too. They totally don't know how small they are! But, have you noticed they get a lot of bigger birds and dogs to back off? Hmmm, maybe something to that Napoleon complex!

    1. I've watched sparrows chasing hawks away, so yes I think that there IS something to the Napoleon complex!

  7. I hope your cough gets better soon. The last time I had a bad cold, the cough just lingered on, so I went to the doctor and he gave me a prescription for some powerful cough medicine to take at night. The next morning, I felt "weird" and had a headache, so I read all of the fine print (yeah, I know, good timing...). It said, "...this medicine works by telling your brain not to cough. May cause headaches."

    It tells your brain not to cough???

    So see, that's all you need to do now.

    1. Thankfully my cough is much better - but I did argue with it. I would sit & think, "don't cough don't cough don't cough" & then it would just explode out of me. Sheesh!

  8. I don't get how all that chutzpah fits in those little tiny bodies.

    1. I guess they don't feel small - the same way I'm always surprised by how much taller Mike is than me :)

  9. What a cute hummingbird. Can you tell what kind it is? I can't quite tell from the photo whether we're looking at his front or his back.

    I'm glad you told us what Farkle is. I haven't heard of that one!

    1. That's his front. I think it's a ruby throated? Maybe? I'll have close-ups on the P365 post & I'll be sure to ask Mike by then :)

  10. We used to have a hummingbird feeder outside our kitchen window back in the day and were distressed by how territorial the hummingbirds were, driving off any other that wanted a sip.

  11. Hey Bug,

    I've enjoyed the pictures Mr. M put up of this hummingbird. Looks like he'll be hanging around for a while. (the bird and Mr. M) LOL. I'm glad your cough isn't hanging around though. Enjoy your Farkle game.


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