Saturday, July 27, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Thirty

Another moony kind of week. We very nearly just had one picture per day – what a concept!
Sunday, July 21st
The moon!

Monday, July 22nd   
My second prayer shawl complete, blessed & on its way to its recipient…

The moon!

Tuesday, July 23rd           
Dr. M drove by to take a picture of my favorite geese – I just think they’re so funny.

The moon!

Wednesday, July 24th   
The State of the Bug – Ozzy Osborne! Or maybe Janis Joplin. Hmm…

A rare mockingbird sighting. I love the middle picture – “Are YOU looking at me?”

Lovely verbena…

The moon!

Thursday, July 25th    
The Tax Time Pig. I’m trying to not think about how hot that costume is. (It’s just a concrete pig Ms. Bug, get a grip!)


The moon!

Friday, July 26th   
Another of my favorite things – a field of hay rolls. Thanks Dr. M!

Saturday, July 27th     
I had been without caffeine for 10 days and feeling REALLY logy every day. Turns out that even though the amount of caffeine I drank wasn’t nearly the amount in a cup of coffee, it was still helping me feel alert during the day. I finally gave in on Friday & went through the Tudor’s Biscuit World drive-thru to get unsweetened tea. It was fabulous - and helped a lot! So today I decided to make my own iced tea. This pot sits on our stove & has mostly turned into something for me to wipe spaghetti sauce off of. Today I washed it & remembered how lovely it is.

One of my favorite childhood Mamaw memories (besides getting cactus stickers in my fingers so I could pluck them out with the tweezers from her beauty shop) is popping the seed pods on her impatiens. Today’s impatiens often don’t have seed pods, so imagine my thrill when I saw this fat little thing today!

This is what they look like after they’re popped. Sends me to my happy place :) Many thanks to Dr. M for making me a very happy Bug!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. As always I love Tax Time Pig. You could publish a book of all your pig photos. That prayer shawl is just beautiful.

    1. Thanks Stephen - I enjoyed working on it.

      That pig cracks me up - I might consider a book if my pictures were better, but they're usually taken in a hurry while I lurk in my car outside their house :)

  2. Wish you could get Dr. M to take a photo of the moon some time.

    1. Ha! I spend a fair amount of time howling at the moon, Bruce...figure I may as well take pics while I'm at it ;-)

  3. I never knew that about impatiens. The moon photos are really awesome!

  4. How weird that impatiens don't have seed pods anymore. Is it because of the way they're hybridized, do you suppose?

    You should compile all your photos of the Tax Time Pig, as Stephen suggests, and then give the book to the pig's owners! They'd probably be tickled. You could slip it anonymously into their mailbox, which would really make them wonder. :)

    1. That's a good idea about the book. My office is moving, only a few miles away, but I won't be driving by the pig after that. I could do it as a parting gift - ha!

      I think you're right about impatiens & hybridization.

  5. I used to have a huge bed of impatient plants in my backyard in Maryland. I loved popping those seed heads. What is it about that? It's very relaxing. :)

    Look at those craters on the side of that moon. Great shots.

    1. I used software to make the moon detail pop - I like the effect!

      Yes, it's very soothing to pop them & it takes me back to my grandmother's porch :)

  6. Love all those moon shots. Big difference between Wednesdays moon and Thursdays moon. I can't seem to grow impatiens here. It just gets too hot for them

    1. They do hate the heat, even if they are in the shade.

  7. Great pictures. I love the hay that I am painting again every time i see a beautiful landscape i want to run up and start a new many gorgeous landscapes and not enough time....


  8. My mother used to plant Lady Slippers. (Are those even around anymore?) Anyway, they had awesome seed pods, too. I used to pop those all the time. Love that picture of the moon and foliage. Quite artsy.

  9. i think someone was a bit moon obsessed this week - nice shots though.

    I'm left wondering how the goose's costume is supposed to match with TTP dressed as a panda...

  10. We mostly missed the fabulous moon with cloud cover every night. Loved your week as usual.

  11. Your moon pictures are just getting better and better!

    The photo of the geese made me looks like they are saying, "Have you seen my keys?"

    Lovely tea pot! I started making ice tea in the evenings to get my husband to cut down on his soda consumption. He's cut his in half now, which is good.

    1. Mike is the moon expert around here!

      I think that's it exactly - those geese just seem to be looking so hard for something they've lost. Ha!

    2. We are trying to eradicate soda from our lives. It is death in a can or bottle. Thank you, dear friend. I'm learning more about software enhancing after all these years, so moon pics are showing it #dinosaurphotog

  12. The prayer shawl is very pretty, and I think you could pass for Janis Joplin if you hippied up your outfit, added a pair of round, wire-frame glasses, and kinda ratted up your hair a bit.

  13. I'm surprised that mockingbird sightings are rare for you all -- they're all over the place here, especially out on the bike trail! I love watching a couple of them pair up to drive out a big bird like a crow. They're masters of ariel maneuvering!

    Every time you have a bunch of moon photos I get the song "I see the moon and the moon sees me" stuck in my head.

    1. My dad had a mockingbird that, well, mocks us when we visit him in NC - ha! But at least in our back yard we hadn't seen any before.

  14. YES! Janis Joplin. I can see it. Are you gonna get the band back together? ;)


    1. If only I could sing - ha! Well, I can sing Jesus Loves Me, but not Me and Bobby McGee (at least the way she sang it!).

  15. Well...what wonderful pics! Love the colors in the flowers too.

    1. Thanks! I've enjoyed our flowers this year a LOT :)

  16. Love those moon shots. You guys always make the best ones. Tax time pig was a hoot this week. I so love seeing your weekly shots. Thanks for sharing them. I have been drinking Earl Gray tea iced...and have really been enjoying it. I love it hot. The taste is different from regular iced tea.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...