Monday, July 15, 2013

50x50 Update

Oh I am so not really paying attention to this list! The very first item is: Review this list every Sunday & plan which items I can do that week. Well THAT hasn’t happened. I’ve had items on the list vaguely floating around my head, but there are a number of things that I’ve totally forgotten – like cooking something new once per month. Oops.

So, in the interest of trying to figure out what they heck I’m doing, here is the whole list, with some commentary. Completed items are in red (I've done 15!). Feel free to just skim or totally skip – I wanted to have a post with all 50 items on it.

1.       Review this list every Sunday & plan which items I can do that week. I am seriously going to start doing this again!

2.        Go see the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center.

3.        Visit the Leo Petroglyph.

4.        Go to an exhibit at the local historical society museum.

5.        Check out the Serpent Mound again.

6.        Make exercise as much of a habit as brushing & flossing my teeth! (I have come up with some mini goals to make this happen). I am working on this one – my new bicycle is already motivating me!

7.       Corral my sweet tooth. Your guess is as good as mine as to how I do it, but I’m going to start by writing down everything I eat – especially since most people who lost weight & kept it off used a food journal. I’ll reevaluate this goal in June 2013 to see how things are going. I am off the rails on this one, but I’m trying again. This time it’s “no sweets during the week.” We’ll see how that goes.

8.        Stay in a cabin in Hocking Hills.

9.       Work a jigsaw puzzle in my own home (this will require sacrificial use of the kitchen table). I have the puzzle – now I’m just waiting for winter because why would I sit inside & work a puzzle when I have a back yard to enjoy & bicycling to do?

10.      Watch the rest of the Thin Man movies.

11.     Go see Les Misérables in the theater.

12.      Go to a Cincinnati Reds baseball game.

13.     Reduce our debt by $10,000 (more would be better!).

14.     Eat fast food no more than twice per week. This has possibly happened on some weeks, but I haven’t really been keeping track

15.      Reduce my use of frozen dinners for lunch – no more than two per week (less would be better!). This is also a work in progress – I’m trying to take more leftovers for lunch, or eat sandwiches.

16.      Turn the computer off & crochet more in the evenings (I’ll need an action plan for this one – perhaps a buzzer that goes off at 8:00 so I have to get off of Facebook?). I did ok with this until spring – but now for some reason I’m back to my bad ways.

17.      Drink 36 ounces of actual water a day (more would be better!). I recently switched to a 25 oz. cup at work, so this is actually happening now.

18.      Do the jar of notes about good things for 2013 (Note: Find a jar for the notes). I love this! It’s so much fun to sit down at the end of the day & write something to put in the jar. Can you guess what the last one was? (Actually, getting my bicycle was the next to last – the last one was finishing a book that really touched my heart.)

19.      Organize the spare room (I might have to do this in stages).

20.      Get my hair trimmed at least twice! Trim #2 is scheduled for next tomorrow!

21.      Finally go see my Aunt Mimi’s house & property.

22.      Visit the site of Henry River Mill Village.

23.      <!Visit my cousin Scottie & her husband John.

24.      Find a pair of short black boots suitable for work and snow. I don’t EVEN care about this right now!

25.      Text my brother once per week
26.      Visit Carillon Historical Park

27.      Visit Huffman Prairie Flying Field

28.      Try to crochet a garment for myself (not a hat or scarf. Maybe this.)

29.      Get rid of my stamping & scrapbooking things (to make room for yarn – ha!)

30.     Try to grow lettuce.

31.      Finally visit Rita & Mike. This is scheduled for next month – woot!

32.      Meet K, J & S in the mountains like we’ve planned for two years now.

33.      Stop drinking diet drinks. This means giving up caffeine because I know I won't drink enough tea to make a difference.

34.      Finally clean up all the clutter at the office (I know my boss would be thrilled about this one). Well this is definitely going to happen by December because our office is moving!

35.      Make an appointment to see a dermatologist just because.

36.     Finish reading the Mary Russell books. I’ve read one more – I think I have three left (of the ones I was given).
37.      Cook something new once per month (yeah – I’m not aiming for the moon here – ha!). As I’ve already mentioned I totally forgot this goal. I did make something new in April. And in May Dr. M made something that I was planning to make – does that count?
38.      Go through my closet with a fierce and brutal eye.
39.      See Anne & Ken face to face again.
40.      Write my 1000th blog post. Only 31 to go!
41.      Take Dr. M to Trader Joe’s.
42.      Write down all the movies we watch (so I can remember if I’ve watched the movie – sheesh!). Oops – another forgotten goal. Although we haven’t really watched very many movies since I started the list…
43.      Go see Spam-A-Lot
44.     Go to a performance at the Schuster center.
45.      Visit Siebenthaler Fen once per season (Spring is done)
46.      Go to the NC Outer Banks
47.     Write & post 40 poems no matter how bad they are. I’ve written 4 – hey, I’m 10% done!
48.      Come up with two more things by the time I’m 50!
49.      Ride a bicycle!
50.      Buy a bicycle! Yes, I’m cheating – this wasn’t on the list until after I’d done it. Ha!


  1. how many pieces is the jigsaw puzzle?
    stop eating fast food and TV dinners altogether.
    I wish I could get back into the gym habit. have the membership.
    lettuce is easy to grow.
    diet drinks are poison. stop it!
    I need to go to the dermatologist too.
    I wish I had some place to ride my bike to out here.

    1. It's 500 pieces - not very big but it's what they had. I've worked much larger ones in the past but we don't really have the space for anything over 1000.

      Boy giving up tv dinners altogether would be hard. Since I'm the one who has to pack my lunch - sometimes I just want a break :)

  2. That's quite an ambitious list. I'd need several lifetimes to accomplish all those things.

  3. Making something new once a month shouldn't be hard in the summer with all the fresh produce. Salads and fruit crisps are easy. Pastas with roasted vegetables, wraps with grilled meat and fresh produce, huge salads with fresh fruit or veggies and some thinly sliced chicken or steak...the possibilities are endless!

    1. I took a picture of the huge salad I had for lunch yesterday - YUM!

  4. FYI - I've written down all my food for 200 days now on My Fitness Pal... & I have not lost one pound... actually gained 2...

    so don't feel bad about that one. It probably doesn't work anyways on curving the sweet tooth.

  5. I'm too old to change my habits now so I'll just have to go for hedonism!

  6. I'm with you on a few of them...but have booked for Les Mis in November...seems a long way off at the moment but time has a way of catching me up unawares!!

    1. I wish I could see a stage production - we just saw the movie.

  7. I have done this....list that could add meet Karen in Cleveland and do the Rock and Roll hall of fame with her...that would be fun.

  8. --Enjoyed reading your list, especially when I came to #31. WOOT! I'm assuming you are making plans with Kim and Sara. WOOT again!
    --Like the jar of notes idea. Curious about the book.
    --Mike and son Stephan, who is considerably overweight, started the paleo diet. M lost 10 lbs easily. The advantage for me is that he has taken over the cooking which gives me a whole lot more time!
    --You already did #38?! I think that would be hard.

    1. It was Karen's book :)

      Cleaning out my closet WAS hard - but it really was out of control. Fortunately I have a terrible memory, so out of sight, out of mind. Ha!

    2. I'm glad you liked the book! FYI, Stephan has lost at least 7 pounds so far, and he feels so much better, he says, having cut out grains & sugar.

  9. Re: #35...This item inspired ME to make my first-ever visit to a dermatologist a few months ago. Got a clean bill of health.

    Re: #38...I just can't see you having a fierce and brutal eye. LOL.

    1. Oh man - nice that I was an inspiration, but I still need to do this myself. It's just the picking out the doctor that's stopping me...

      I really can have a fierce & brutal eye when properly motivated :)

  10. I keep thinking I should compose a list like this, though I seriously think I'd have trouble coming up with 50 things! Goal-setting is not one of my strengths. :)

    1. I have to say that it was VERY difficult to come up with 50 things! Especially 50 doable things in the time-frame. Some of the things are probably not going to happen because I'll run out of time. But it's interesting to try.

  11. What a great list! I'm glad the bike was on matter when!

  12. When I revisit lists like this I either get depressed or feel a catalyzing, metaphoric kick in the pants. Sometimes both! Your list inspires me, however, no matter how effectively I am working on my own list! There just might be an update on my blog before long. :)

    1. I have definitely had both feelings with this list - and while I want to use it to motivate me I'm trying to not let myself get so caught up with it that I don't enjoy myself!

  13. i like the one about the jar of positive things.

    I gave up caffiene at the start of the year when i found it was increasing the frequency of my migraines - it was painful at first, but decaf is ok


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