Friday, August 23, 2013

Last Night

Last night I had one of my very few bouts of insomnia. Yes, I tossed and turned from around 2:45 to 3:30. It was brutal! I kept obsessing over a problem from work, and then I moved on to another work problem and then to an issue with a delivery we got yesterday and finally I was freaking out about something that happened a month ago. My usual coping mechanism (imagining winning the lottery) failed me utterly (usually I’m asleep before I verify the last number on the lottery ticket).

I finally fell asleep only to wake at 5:00 from a dream where I was running around a mall with no clothes on. If you must know, I realized that something was wrong, so I was looking for the lingerie department. All righty then!

While I was brushing my teeth this morning I pondered all the anxiety from the night before. None of that stuff was freak-out-able. Really! It’s as if I thought, “I have nothing to blog about so create some drama.” Which, actually, is pretty much what I usually do around here anyway. But next time let’s do it without losing any of my (very) precious beauty sleep! Okay?

So, how was your night?


  1. How about without losing any of your clothes!?

    I take magnesium every night before bed and it helps to calm me and let those worries just float up to the ceiling and into the ether. Try it.

    Also, that bloody moon (sorry, Dr. M) had me up the whole night before—magnesium rendered totally ineffective.

    I don't imagine winning the lotter, I just count exes. *kidding

    1. Well that is definitely a worthy goal! I usually sleep like a log - but if it gets worse I'll consider the magnesium.

  2. Me too, last night, and largely for the same reasons -- details of minor contretemps that occurred during the day continuing to whirl around in my head.

    Alistair Begg ( once said something along the lines of, "If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, there's probably a missionary on the other side of the world who needs your prayers. You may not know who he/she is, but God does."

    So, if you suffer it in the future, pray for a missionary! At least the time won't be wasted, right?

    1. What a lovely thought - and I will try to remember it!

  3. So is this "running around without any clothes on" a recurring part of your dreams? (I need to call Dr. Phil. There's bound to be a good story there. ;)


    1. You know - it kind of IS a theme. I haven't looked to see what that means. I'd probably be horrified & embarrassed!

  4. You crack me up! 45 minutes does not constitute insomnia for me these days...ugh. My insomnia lasts most of the night. Stinks getting old!

    I was shocked this morning when I woke up and it was 8:00!!! I never do that, but my husband is out of town so there was no alarm! felt GREAT!

    1. That's what had me laughing this morning too - I was so upset last night & I wasn't even awake an hour. Ha!

      I am NOT a morning person - if I don't have an alarm I can sleep until 10:00 easily :)

  5. On those rare occasions when I wake up at night and can't go back to sleep, I head for the couch and turn on the TV. That will usually put me to sleep.

    LOL at the dream about being in public naked. I have a dream like that, too, occasionally. I usually try to pretend that it's normal to be naked. Like, " wear clothes while taking a college class? You are so weird." I think it's a fairly common dream...something about feeling vulnerable, if I remember correctly.

  6. I had insomnia too, but that's because I'm sleeping in a strange bed in a guesthouse with a restless dog!

    It's weird how problems ALWAYS seem so huge in the middle of the night. I don't know why that is. There must be some Darwinian process afoot, like reflecting on the day's dangers helps us avoid them in the future? I don't know.

  7. Yet another retirement perk! Can't sleep? No problem. Just get up and read or knit or have a glass of wine and watch an old movie. After all, it's not like you have to go to work tomorrow.

  8. Oh, gosh. You already know all about me. Maybe I'm too stupid to worry, but insomnia's never a problem unless I'm really feeling physically bad for some reason - but that only happens about once every three years.

    However! Allow me to introduce you to a fellow who can really turn insomnia into something compelling. Do you remember the photographer who took all those photos of people working in Blue Rapids, Kansas? Tom Parker? Anyway, he's the one who posted this, just a day ago. By the time I got done reading, I thought, "If I ever can't get to sleep, I'm going to read this and then count my blessings!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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