Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Not My Words Wednesday

To read more about John Parker, check out my post here.


  1. I followed the link and was nicely educated thanks to you.

  2. Fascinating. I, too, followed the link and thank you for informing us.

  3. I, too, read the story about John Parker from your previous post. Underground railroad workers, or people who sheltered Jews from the Nazis...they all have my deepest respect. It must have taken a lot of courage to do what is right.

  4. John P. Parker was an amazingly brave man...a hero by any definition. Thanks for reading about him, y'all!

  5. Interesting! I appreciate the window onto history!

  6. Thanks for reading everyone! I can hardly bear to think about that era of our nation's history, so I try to grasp the rays of light as I see them :)


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