Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday's Words: Merrymaker! Festive! Happiness! Frolic!

I'm going to visit a friend in the hospital today. When I pulled up the directions I noticed something interesting about the neighborhood around the hospital:

Made me smile :)


  1. How long would it take for me to get there?

    1. I think just about 8 1/2 hours - totally doable :)

  2. A happy place for a hospital. I wonder if receiving directions to this hospital makes one feel better.

  3. Great names for the area around a hospital. I'd have to stop and get out and take pictures of the road signs.

  4. LOL -- that IS funny. Though I must admit if I lived there, I would feel stupid writing "22 Frolic Drive" as my return address. Maybe I'm too cynical. :)

    1. No, I agree - that would be a bizarre address to have!

  5. LOL Love it. I want to live on Frolic Drive. Ha!

  6. Now THAT was a developer with a great attitude! LOVE IT!

    1. For some reason it makes me think of a fortune cookie :)

  7. Here's what I want to know - which came first, the hospital or the street names? It doesn't make any real difference, but can't you just imagine the planning meetings that took place if the hospital already was there?

    Of course, if the hospital built after the names were in place they probably figured Frolic and Festive were better than Litigation Loop or Surgical Court.

    Now all they need is a motel named "Take It Out Inn".



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