Sunday, November 10, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Forty-Five

I am so exhausted! I’m not as much of an introvert as Dr. M is, but I believe I hit my limit for human interaction this weekend (I was at a convention Friday & Saturday, and then we had a long meeting after church today). So this will be short & sweet…
Sunday, November 3rd  
I went for another ramble in our local fen. I found a couple of places with interesting colors and textures, but it is definitely heading toward winter there. I wore the wrong shoes, so when I hit some standing water I turned back. I did find a ginormous leaf that I thought was pretty interesting!

Monday, November 4th  
Dr. M continued his November leaf tour…

Tuesday, November 5th         
I tried to get a picture of the Tax Time Pig, but as you can see I was not so successful. Ha!

Dr. M had better luck with the sunset.

Wednesday, November 6th    
More gorgeous leaves…

Thursday, November 7th  
Speaking of gorgeous – this is the neighbor’s cat. Lovely!

The moon!

Friday, November 8th
Dr. M took this picture of Small Town Ohio in the Autumn.

I went to our diocesan convention (of Episcopal churches in southern Ohio). Here I am in my hotel room. I am embarrassed to say how long it took me to figure out how to turn off the flash on my camera for this shot – ha!

After the afternoon session my fellow delegates (and our priest & her husband) and I went out for Indian food – yum!

Saturday, November 9th       
I wanted a cup of tea, & I was so tickled when figured out how to operate the little coffee maker that I took a goofy picture of myself.

These are the coasters that were on our table at the convention. Pretty cool!

While I was busy convening, Dr. M took some more lovely foliage shots.

And one last shot of Rosie – it’s time to bed her down for the winter.

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Rosie is beautiful!
    The pig pic is artistic--modern artish?
    The leaves are gorgeous, the sunset stunning and the moon magnificent!
    But, hey, I wanted to read the Spanish on the coasters ;_(

    1. Well darn - I should have turned one the other way!

  2. I think it's time to plan an intervention. I think the tax pig is on drugs. At least he looks like he's on drugs. Maybe I'm the one who needs an intervention.

    1. I'm pretty sure we know who needs an intervention - the photographer!

  3. I wanted to say how much I like your foliage photos. And then I wanted to say how much I like the sunset photo. And then...the gorgeous cat photo. And...your selfies.

    So I'm gonna say how much I love Indian food. LOL.

    Saturday's yellow foliage against that deep blue sky is awesome! What is it?

  4. Replies
    1. He really is. He keeps hoping he'll get one of our sparrows, but we think he's kind of slow :)

  5. A wonderful feast of photographs. Contrary to the impression you may have gathered in the past, I do love animals. In fact, I lean more towards them than towards humans; so I loved the picture of the mog.

    1. Hmmm... I've never heard of a mog so I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary. And I THINK I've been insulted. But I'm not at all sure...

    2. Insulting anyone is not my style, I can assure you. A 'mog' or the diminutive 'moggy' is a British/English word for a cat - nothing more. The Urban Dictionary is full of misinformation.

    3. Ah! That makes sense. I kind of liked the nerdy definition though - I thought the picture of me in my reading glasses might fit :)

  6. I thought of you all weekend as we stayed in your state. Very pretty and open! Friendly people, too. Love how you guys stop and smell the roses. :)

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit. I wish it could have included some face to face time, but maybe we'll have another opportunity.

  7. Great week in pics. Those ginkgo leaves against the blue sky are stunning.

    1. Yes I think those might be my favorite pictures this week :)

  8. Was the tax time pig pic a drive by "shooting"? ;0)

    I like the pic of the sunset too!

    1. Ha! It WAS a drive by shooting! I got a much better picture yesterday :)

  9. That was not short but it was so very sweet!

    1. Ha! I noticed that when I was finished - apparently even exhausted I'm wordy :)

  10. Amazing blue skies as a back drop for stunning

    I know what you mean about maxing out on human interaction.

    So perhaps that was a greased tax time pig?

  11. I am particularly fond of the ginko shot. Nice!

  12. Those last two foliage pics (ginkgo leaves I think) are beautiful, especially the first one. Love the shadow.

  13. although my blogging has been a bit sporadic of late i always check in to the Bug's 360 - this week am loving the autumn leaves and the surreal tax time pig shot

    1. Thanks! I'm always happy to see your "face" here :)

  14. ah, the fall colors are divine. be still my heart. your hair looks so pretty in the 'mirror' picture!! i love it down!


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