Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wordless Wednesday (the "It's Dr. M's Birthday & His Present Isn't Quite Ready" edition)


  1. I'm sure Dr. M. will love this little guy when it's finished.

  2. Beautiful Dana. I love this gift, but not as much as Michael will. I hope we get to know this little guy's name after he/she is Christened. Your crochet work is sensational, neat and adorable.

  3. Oh...he's cute! Or should I say, "half-cute."

  4. That's really cool. Of course it's a "sheepie", but I see a little Mr. Peanut there, too. (Which is good 'cause I like Mr. Peanut.)

    Oh, and a belated Happy Birthday to Dr. M. :)


  5. You also have beautiful Autumn colours Bug!
    I like the knitted thingy too!

  6. That is so CUTE! I'll bet you could sell those! What a lucky Dr. M! (and Happy Birthday to him too)

  7. A gift for all ages. My little granddaughter would love him and so will Dr. M. Happy birthday, Dr. M.


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