Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Miscellany

I know you're about to fall over in your chair - it's been so long since I posted anything other than a Wednesday thing or my P365 posts. I finally feel like life has calmed down a bit (just in time for the holidays!).

If you're my Facebook friend don't get too excited - I posted this same thing a couple of weeks ago in response to one of those number memes. My sister-in-law gave me the #8 & I was supposed to tell 8 things about myself that people might not know. It's hard to imagine that everyone doesn't know everything about my life because I'm such an open book, but I know it's hard to remember everything, so here's a refresher for you:

1. I used to be so needle-phobic that I once told a dentist to give me a filling WITHOUT Novocain. I don’t know if that’s the dumbest thing I ever did, but it’s close.

2. When I was in the 3rd grade I tried to go by my middle name, Marie, because I thought Dana was such a weird name.

3. When I was in Zambia I read just about every book by Alistair MacLean.

4. Speaking of books, I’m a huge Dick Francis fan. So sad that he & his wife are gone now…

5. One of my summer jobs while I was in college was in a laundry. (This laundry, in fact.) I had one task – to arrange clean wet sheets in a bin so that they could be fed into a huge rolling dryer. I took one end of the sheet & my partner took the other & we loosely folded them longwise into thirds. My partner had been working in the laundry for over 20 years & this is all she did every day. She always had to stand the same way, so that the motion of her arms always went the same direction. After a week of doing this a muscle in my neck started aching, & for many years after I last worked there that ache would show up when I was tired. This job was a HUGE incentive for me to finish college!

6. I have had the most ginormous zit in the history of ginormous zits on my face right now then. What the heck! I’m almost 50!

7. I volunteered to lead an African (or Lambeth) Bible Study at my church during Advent. I kind of hope it turns into a regular feature – maybe not every week, but definitely during important seasons of the church year.

8. After all these years I’m still amazed at how perfectly suited Dr. M and I are together. We aren’t perfect, but our imperfections seem to work for us.

Happy Monday!


  1. I like your list! Laughing at the zit (although CERTAINLY NOT a funny business!) as I used to THINK we were suppose to outgrow them!!!! I still get them too! OY!
    My middle name is Marie as well and I think it is a pretty name! Dana is anything but a WEIRD name! :)

    1. Thanks! I was always resentful that they never had a bike license plate with my name on it :)

  2. there was always a big conspiracy theory here that Dick Francis's novels were actually written by his wife...I think Dana is a great name

    1. I BELIEVE that conspiracy - the books that came out after her death weren't nearly as good!

  3. read them earlier. still a good list.

  4. Awww... What a sweet comment to your hubby!

  5. I think Dana is a great name! And what RaD said, too. :)

  6. I like the name "Dana." It is rare enough to be memorable. I do have another Dana as my Facebook friend (a former co-worker). So if you ever get tagged in a post that makes absolutely NO SENSE to you, you'll know why.

    My name is unusual enough that people tend to massacre it unless I spell it for them. That proved to be so much hassle that I decided that at Starbucks, my name is "Mary." Before I explained this to my husband, he looked at my cup of coffee once and thought I had gotten the wrong order.

    1. That's so funny! I'm going to start calling you Mary too :)

      By the way - I have a comic I have to share with you. It's not spelled the same, but I thought you'd find it funny.

  7. I love this list. When I was about 16 and had just started going out to discos and things I would say that my name was Jane because nobody in those days was ever called Rachel and I got fed up with getting funny looks and just wanted to have a simple name like everybody else. So I started to believe I really was called Jane. How mad is that. Now I love my name.

    1. I had no idea so many people decided to rename themselves! I like Rachel a lot, actually :)

  8. I hated Novocain like crazy. The aftereffects, especially. I tried to go without every single time. Just thinking about dentists, dental work, the sound of the drill, that smell---all of it makes me go teary. I have a terrible phobia of all things dentisty.

    1. I always did too. I'm not sure when that changed. I still don't enjoy it - and I notice the novocain after-effects more now that I'm older - but I am more able to just let them do what they need to do. I think it's because it interferes with my eating when my teeth hurt :)


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