Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 on 10

I was so busy today that I didn't even TAKE 10 pictures so I had to steal some from Dr. M. First of all, thanks to everyone for their prayers & sighs of relief - the lump in my breast is just a (sometimes painful) cyst. Avoiding caffeine is supposed to help. And they mentioned chocolate as a form of caffeine. I do have to admit that in the quantities I've consumed lately I could be getting quite a bit of caffeine from chocolate! (Ironic, isn't it, that I'm an emotional eater so my stress over the lump has increased my chocolate intake - ha!). Anyway, onto today's pictures...

It was cooolllddd today!

We woke up to more snow...

And the rest of the work day was a blur, with just a few pauses...

I downloaded some Christmas music to my Palm Pilot (yes, I DO still have a Palm!). I was able to listen to about three songs before I had to turn it off - too busy!

OK, maybe I do get a fair amount of caffeine in my daily glass of tea...

A coworker's daughters brought in Christmas cookies for us. Tasty! Not sure what it is exactly - a bear?

Finally time to go home!

Waiting at a traffic light...

Home & the perfect dinner for a cold night!

Whew. Now I'm ready to relax for a while...


  1. Time to relax. You've earned it. And caffeine aside I'm glad the results of your test turned out to not be anything serious. Take care.

  2. I love your third picture...the wind- and snow-blown road with the telephone poles. It just tells the whole story of the bitter cold.

    Sounds like you are really busy with your new job duties. Don't forget to have some fun, too!

    By the time I realized it was December 10, it was too late for me to do a "Ten on Ten." Maybe I'll remember next month.

  3. I like your swirl pic. The picture explains your week so vividly. I am happy it's benign. I am also glad you are married to Michael. You are a great team! It's difficult to have hot food waiting for you when you are on your own. My girls look after me though. I am already drinking decaf tea. Chocolate will be a bit of a challenge to stop, but I really need to cut back. I can practise for lent.

  4. I never knew caffeine could aggravate a breast cyst. How strange! I'm glad things are OK on that front -- that Christmas cookie is hilarious.

  5. So, so happy about your "breast news." There's nothing better than good "breast news" unless it's chocolate. Sorry about that. I want some of your snow. Send it down.

  6. Keep that horrid snow down there, please. Glad the news is not so terrible. Here's a laugh for you: I am trying knitting again, after a 29-year hiatus. I am NOT any better. Sigh.

  7. Love the shots. The snow is gorgeous...glad it is nt here.

  8. Yes, that's the "breast news" ever! :)

    Where do you see "bear" in that cookie? Plain as day it's a rabid amoeba.


  9. that cookie is the funniest thing I've ever seen!!!

  10. I'm thinking that cookie is one of the monsters from the original Jonny Quest animated series (1964-65).

  11. You guys are too funny :) I can tell right now that I'm not going to have time to respond individually to comments for a while. Thank goodness Dr. M has taken over that duty on the P365 post!

  12. Oh I love your hat in that first pic. Did you make it?

    I'm glad to hear nothing is up with the cyst. Good luck staying away from the chocolate though!

    1. RaD Yes, that's her handiwork! She made me a nice cap, too.

  13. I sympathize with your weather. It only got up to 71 here today. ☺

  14. That cookie looks like me before I have my morning coffee.

  15. I have to limit myself to two cups of coffee a day or I get those fibro cysts too. What a pain. And I'm already so over winter and it really hasn't even begun yet.

  16. Me, here! I'm late reporting in, as usual, but wanted to stop by and say I'm glad you got through the week, not so glad that your chocolate intake is now impaired, and that I think you're quite proficient with selfies! I still haven't mastered the art, and I think of myself as a photographer! Enjoy your weekend, and I hope the cold doesn't hinder your pleasure. xoxo


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