Sunday, December 8, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Forty-Nine

For those of you who read my post from Tuesday, thanks for your prayers. I have an appointment tomorrow for a follow-up scan. The other two times I had this done they let me know right away that it was a cyst. So hopefully I’ll know by tomorrow evening if I need to continue to worry.
Now, on to the pictures! This week is all about Christmas. And snow…
Sunday, December 1st   
First of all – happy birthday to my baby brother! Dr. M decorated our tree today.

Monday, December 2nd  
I used some of today’s pictures on Tuesday’s post, but here are a couple of the ones I didn’t use. It might be cold (and snowy today), but it’s still technically autumn in Ohio.

Dr. M took a pic of the (mostly) finished tree!
Tuesday, December 3rd         
There is this one yard that Dr. M drives by that we love to see every year. Avert your eyes Nance - it’s Inflatable-Palooza!

Wednesday, December 4th    
This is one of those days where Dr. M didn’t take a picture, so you get this one of me cackling at something from one of my audio books. It was HI-larious! Note how maniacal I look – ha!

Thursday, December 5th   
Dr. M bought some new ornaments for the tree. I approve!

Friday, December 6th  
It snowed pretty much all day on Friday. Fortunately my commute home only took an extra half hour.

Dr. M's picture of snow falling Friday night.

Saturday, December 7th       
Dr. M came with me to church to check on a few maintenance items & then helped me shovel the sidewalks and steps around the church. Best Husband Ever! Afterward we were feeling pretty warm so we drove around & looked at the waterfowl in the local park. Cooled us right off! 

Dr. M thought this picture I took at the park on Saturday worth including.
For more Christmas/Winter pics, check out Dr. M's blog here!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. It's not quite Christmas and not quite autumn. The snow doesn't know, the temperatures are unsure and the decorations are just getting in the mood, but winter is surely settling in for the long nap. Thank you for sharing the great pictures, Dana.

  2. Love all the snow pictures! And if you post a picture of yourself laughing at something in a book, you really should tell us what book it is...

    Good luck tomorrow. When I had a follow-up scan, they told me right away, too. I remember coming out of the building, wanting to jump in the air, thinking these the most beautiful words in the world: There's absolutely nothing wrong, come back in a year.

    1. Thanks...we are waiting impatiently for her 4pm appointment.

    2. Ha! I was listening to a Harry Dresden book (maybe #4 or 5). I won't say what was making me laugh so hard for THIS picture - but a little later Harry said that "she was loopier than a crochet convention!" Ha!

  3. Those ducks almost look like one "two-headed" duck! And that poor goose with angel wing syndrome! No more bread for him!

    All I have to say about the inflatables (besides they look like fun!) is they must use a lot of extension cords!

    Hope all goes well at your appointment!

    1. Our park has now banned the feeding of the ducks and geese, for multiple reasons. But for many years, yes, they were fed lots and lots of bread.

  4. Your Santa looks like he's freezing his niblets off.

  5. Loved your winter looks so cold. The waterfowl shots are my favorites. Take care my friend, be safe, and enjoy the holidays.

    1. It WAS cold! Still is. Thanks...we will take care of each other, friend :-)

  6. We've had rain and more rain rather than snow. Fingers still crossed for good news. I totally love those tacky inflatables. Not for my yard of course...

    1. Ha! We have had a few smaller inflatables in the past. News is good, dear friend. I'm sure The Bug will post worries!

  7. Sorry to keep everyone waiting! My scan showed a cyst - no cancer. Yay! In other news, today was my first day with my new work duties & I'm REALLY busy. It might take a while before I can get around & visit folks....

    1. Hooray, hoorah! I only had to wait about four minutes to know all is well - long enough to get over here from your other post. I'm so relieved! I'll sleep better tonight - as I'm sure you will! Here's a big {hug} for you.

    2. Hooray! I will sleep much better tonight knowing that you are all right, good blogger buddy. I'm really smiling here but I won't forget to say a prayer of thanks that you are fine.

  8. Brrrr. Those cows look cold and what's up with those geese and ducks? Didn't they get the memo?

    1. Those cows are well insulated, Ellen...and furry! I love seeing their shaggy winter coats.

  9. Good to hear your news.
    The weekly photos we've come to expect did NOT disappoint!
    Loved the waterfowl, the snow-laden holly bush, the snowy ones.
    And especially the way Dr. M. honors and helps his wife!

    1. Aw shucks! And yes, that IS a Klaytivity bowl on my blog post :-D

  10. Great pictures to go with great news on the health and job fronts. Can it get any better? :)


    1. Well...driving was a little tough this morning, what with several inches of fresh powder. Then again, this is Ohio :-) Thanks, friend

  11. My fingers are crossed for continued good news on the health front! I love the cackling photo, and I like the new ornaments. :)

    1. Oh, I just saw your follow-up comment. Whew! Glad there's nothing to worry about!

    2. Thanks, Steve...we were a bit nervous about this one. Now we just have to survive the Ohio weather :-)

  12. i think the bird with the snow on its beak is my favourite shot

  13. As usual, my favorites are the birds...the live ones and the penguin ornament. Well chose, Dr. M.

    Grateful for the good news, D! Now exhale and enjoy the season!

    1. Amen, and thank you! I was tickled to find some more penguin ornaments for her. Love my birdies.

  14. Oh for the love of...that yard makes me itch for a BB gun. But your birdbath makes me think of cheesecake or flan, both lovely desserts to look at, but neither of which I care for.

    1. Ha! Your comment made me laugh, Nance. Thanks, I think :-)


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