Saturday, December 14, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Fifty

I have to be honest with you. With my new job duties and Christmas coming up I’m just not getting around to read blogs. And I miss you guys! I’ll be thinking, “I haven’t heard from so-and-so for a while,” & then I remember that it’s because I haven’t been reading blogs. Because, by “I haven’t heard from,” I mean the part of the conversation where I read your blog. You’ve all been great to keep commenting here. I think things will calm down after the first of the year.

Sunday, December 8th   
More snow pictures… Part of a fence, our cairn (it’s that snowy lump), a dark-eyed junco, and a Bug!

The moon!

Monday, December 9th  
This is just a preview of silliness to come…

Mama cardinal.

Our neighbor’s house.

Tuesday, December 10th          
It’s been pretty darn cold this week!

Wednesday, December 11th    
The sunflowers look just a little bit different these days.

I was waiting to start our weekly Bible Study & there was this little sailor hat on the table. Obviously, I couldn’t resist. (Kim, note my earrings – thanks so much for them!)

Thursday, December 12th   
I asked for a fancy-schmancy lunchbox for Christmas. Of course, Dr. M couldn’t wait to give it to me. I love it!

Papa cardinal making some of his usual faces…

Ta-da! This squirrel loves his new feeder – we’re a little worried that he’ll get too fat to climb around!

I finished an American Girl Doll purse for a friend. It’s cute, but all that tiny crocheting was very annoying!

Friday, December 13th  
Our neighbor’s snowman.

This is a SNOW turtle! They dyed the snow green. Isn’t it great?

We got just a little more snow last night.

Saturday, December 14th       
Scenes from Dr. M’s journey home from graduation.

He did have to sit through a traffic jam.

It’s Buffy the Buffalo! He’s loving this weather.

Reckon these folks like penguins?

I finished up some Christmas presents today – scarves & fingerless gloves… After Christmas I might not want to see a crochet hook for a while. Ha!

Go to Mamma Fran’s blog here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants. Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Looks like snow on the moon as well.
    What lovely crocheted gifts.
    I have worn my Kim-earrings sooooo much. Love them.

    1. Thanks, Rita! The Bug is a crocheting machine...and SO cute!

  2. It does look cold where you are. Try and keep warm.

    1. It is a wee bit chilly up here, Stephen! We'll snuggle to stay warm :-)

  3. Aha! Snuggling for warmth. I knew there was something I'd forgotten about cold weather!

  4. You HAVE been busy with the crocheting! Love the schmancy lunchbox. Favorite pics: sunflowers, traffic jam, squirrel feeder. :)

    1. Thanks, Steve! I love how the snow transformed that sunflower field.

  5. Brrrrrrr! I'm getting cold just looking at all these photos of snow and ice. Not missing that at all! We, on the other hand, turned the a.c. on three days ago :)

    Very cool lunchbox! Glad you're enjoying the earrings :)

    Loving all the crocheted colorful and fun, yet practical. I had high hopes of making gifts this year too (of the sewn variety) but that didn't happen. I did manage to whip up some ornaments that will serve as gift "bows" on the pancake kits we're giving friends. Argentines love pancakes, usually served as dessert with fruit or dulce de leche. But they're not familiar with maple syrup so I made gallons of syrup using maple extract, and we're going to introduce them to American style pancakes :)

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Yum! We love pancakes. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, as well!

  6. Haha. I love the part about "I haven't heard from them in a while". So true! I never have any expectations that someone will read my blog....its mostly so when I'm old and gray I can remember something...anything! :)

    WOW...what a lunch box! My girls, especially Amanda would go wild over it. Think I'll go google it now. :)

    1. As a lifetime student of history, I LOVE blogs. They are such fun windows into people's lives and minds.

  7. Oh my! Those are an investment!! Go Dr. M! :)

    1. I just kind of gulped paid...I spent less on my first expedition backpack, lol!

  8. those sunflowers look like they have santa hats on!!! I have a friend who did a blog post on those lunch boxes and loves them!!

    I love my earrings too!!! even more the memories that go with them!! so fun!

    1. Alyson Hannigan carries one to the set of How I Met Your Mother. That was a big selling point for me ;-)

  9. I've gotten a couple of nasty messages a few times from people upset I have not visited their blogs in a while. I usually respond by telling them I am always doing this stuff on the fly and often only have a few minutes to scan the latest postings.

    On a better note I dig that lunch box! Of course I'd have to go with some sort Star Trek themed version.

    1. The themes are magnets, so you can have multiple themes for the one lunchbox. The Bug has worked so hard for so many years to keep up with blogs and to build a following. I never had that level of motivation!

  10. That lunch box is a killer! And you model that sailor cap like no one else can. Did I mention earlier how much i appreciate your mad skills when it comes to selfies? And, finally, I envy the snow. I really miss snow (and yes, even its accompanying messiness).

    1. Thank you, dear friend...I think of you every time it snows, and wish I had that Yankee with a Shovel mojo you've got. And yes, she has skilz with selfies!

  11. I always love your week. And that may be the very best lunchbox I have ever seen. Way to go Dr. M.

    1. Thanks, Sweet Pea! Hey, I'm a professional know I've got money to spare ;-)

  12. I, too, always look forward to your weekly pictures!

    I have a hard time deciding which photos I like most. The field of sunflowers looks a bit like an army of soldiers with snow-capped helmets. And I love your lunchbox - it reminds me of those Japanese bento boxes. Lunch just looks so much better if it's in cute containers. And better than using throw-away plastic bags! And the green creative! The geese look like they are carefully negotiating some icy roads...any second one is going to slip and slide...AFLAC!!!

    Hey, we totally understand that life can get crazy sometimes. Just do what you can do, take care of yourself, and we'll see you when the stress and busyness let up again.

    1. Thank you, dear Pixel Peeper. Things will settle down. Right now, she's a crocheting fool, as well as busy at is the State of the Bug ;-)

  13. i saw a lovely full moon this morning hanging low over a big city. I like the sunflowers with their cap of snow and the turtle shot

    1. The skies cleared enough last night for me to get some moon pics for this week. Thanks...I loved the sunflowers, and the turtle kinda made my day!

  14. That lunchbox is too cool! And I know you're probably sick of snow, but I think it is beautiful. Merry Christmas to you both. :)


    1. Not sick of it yet,'s mostly been a few inches at a time, and it IS beautiful! However, the reason that we have snow is that it's COLD, lol. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  15. Love all the snow pictures....the snow turtle is by far my most favorite. I know what you mean about not wanting to see a needle after the holidays. I loved the sunflowers with the snow caps. Living up North gives such amazing picture opportunities. BTW....loved that lunch box. I must have one too.

    1. We have been living in a winter wonderland of late! The sunflowers still have snow caps, and I'm pretty sure the turtle is still there, though it got a fresh coat of snow Sunday night :-)

  16. There are so many great ones in here. The sunflowers look like cotton growing in the fields.

    I love that lunchbox so much I'd almost get a job so I could have one. :) But not quite.

    Oh, I almost forgot the icicles. Reminds me of when I was a kid. We would get them on our house. And the

    That moon pic looks like ice cream. Ha.

    Love all the birdie pics. Can't ever get enough of them.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...