Monday, December 30, 2013

2013 Project 365 – Week Fifty-Two

It’s the last week of the year. I have been thinking long & hard about P365 & whether I want to continue doing it for a 5th year. And for now the answer is yes. I won’t guarantee what day I’ll post my pictures, but Dr. M & I enjoy it too much to let it drop now. That being said, this week was for the birds. Ha!

Sunday, December 22nd   
Sunday was a quiet day of church and relaxing around my dad’s house. Dr. M took pictures of birds through the rain-washed windows in the sun room. The top photo has a titmouse on the left & male & female house finches on the right. The bottom photo is a female cardinal.

Monday, December 23rd
Mr. Cardinal.

Dr. M drove out to see his dad & passed by one of his favorite sheep farms along the way. We love this dog!

Amy & I dressed alike to walk at the mall :)

My dad cut two bunches of collards to give away. Wow that’s a lot of collards!

Tuesday, December 24th          
We spent Christmas Eve evening with Dr. M’s brother & his family.

After dinner we went to check out our niece Misty’s lights. She & her husband really go all out each year!

Wednesday, December 25th
Christmas was SUCH a busy day! Breakfast at my brother & sister-in-law’s house, brunch at Amy’s daughter’s house, & then dinner with Dr. M’s uncle & aunt & family. I started out taking pictures but then just totally forgot for the rest of the day. This is Dr. M at my brother’s house mesmerizing their dog Chloe.

His Christmas gift from my sister-in-law. It came in such an innocent package!

I am excited about this gift!

My oldest nephew – wearing a tie to Christmas breakfast. I had to have a picture!

Thursday, December 26th    
More birds – there’s such a variety at my dad’s house! Blue Jay, titmouse & male cardinal here.

Friday, December 27th  
Another in the series of photos of critters who stare at Dr. M. Ha!

I started a totally new scarf pattern today. I like it!

My dad’s Christmas cactus is outrageous! It’s a family heirloom – from a cutting from my great-grandmother’s plant.

Saturday, December 28th   
We had breakfast with some of my best friends today – we’ve been getting together at least annually for 30 years now. We were missing one of our members – J had the flu. Boo!

One last shot of NC birds. In this group is (clockwise from top): Bluebird, sharp-shinned hawk, mourning dove, Carolina wren, mockingbird, and goldfinch.

Have a great week!

Most of our photos are taken with a 12 megapixel Nikon D5000 DSLR, using a 55-200mm zoom lens. This is the camera that Dr. M takes with him most days. He also takes pictures with our old reliable 7 megapixel Canon Powershot A710.  The Bug uses our new Nikon Coolpix S6200 most of the time. If you’re interested in which camera was used for a particular shot, just ask! 


  1. Phew...! I am so glad to hear you will continue with your P365 - I always look forward to your weekly pictures. I had wondered if you were going to do it again. Once I'm done (I started with my birthday at the end of January, so my year is a bit different), I will start right in on my second year. You were my inspiration to this!

    Oh, that moonshine - as well as the packaging - looks interesting!

    1. Thanks, Sweet Pea! Glad you like our pics. The moonshine was...interesting :-)

  2. Where do I have to go to get some of that apple pie moonshine? Sounds wonderful.

  3. Cloe! I LOVE that dog! Moonshine? What moonshine...

  4. Wow...thankful I'm not in charge of a family heirloom plant. It wouldn't have a happy ending and I might cause a family riff. BUSY Christmas for you, but it's great to be with family, for sure! I like the new stitch you're doing. Can't believe how much product you pump out! :). Happy new year!

    1. I'm glad I'm not in charge of it too! Well, if I had it then MIKE would be in charge & that would be better :)

      Happy new year to you too!

  5. For the birds, indeed! Wonderfully amazing pics and I learn about them.
    Love the laughing friends and spouses pic! Fun and joy!
    Dana and Amy, two lovely ladies.
    I like that scarf! Now with that calendar you will be producing a whole lot more beauties.

    1. Thanks! We really did have a good time with our friends. I can't wait to get busy with that calendar too!

  6. i think you're amazing for keeping the 365 going - i've been vaguely thinking about trying it but i know i couldn't take an image a day for a week let alone a year

    1. I think you should try it! You don't have to actually have a picture every day - most of the other participants skip days (& weeks - ha!).

  7. Sounds like a very fun week. Your matching Christmas vests are too cute :)
    My bird photos never come out. Too far away, moving too much... I always have a ready excuse :) The truth is I'm still trying to figure out how to use the camera. haha But y'all take such good bird photos, I figure I don't have to!
    Look forward to another year of your P365 posts!

    1. Mike puts the camera on the sport setting (I think) to get bird pictures. But when I try it they're all blurry anyway. Sigh. Good thing he's good at it!

  8. Friends and family. That's what it's all about. Well, that and a little moonshine.

  9. That scarf is shaping up to be a stunner!

    1. I love the pattern! So easy - I'll probably make a dozen before I get tired of it :)


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