Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wordy Almost Wednesday - The Children of the Corn Edition

I've been having such a crazy fall. Super busy work. Church duties. Failed root canals... There hasn't been room in my brain for being very creative. Or attentive to other people's blogs (sorry!).

And it doesn't really look like winter will be any better. My boss is leaving the company (his last day is this Friday) & my job will change in ways that I can't really imagine. We're getting a new roof put on the church, and replacing a vanity in the basement bathroom. And on Thanksgiving day I found a lump in one of my breasts that is probably just a cyst, but will need some kind of attention (I had a mammogram yesterday & the technician agreed with my assessment - but of course I'll need to hear the official word from the radiologist). 

And now it's Advent. We sit in darkness waiting for the great light. If you're Episcopalian like I am you try to tune out the Christmas music and settle in for the wait. Christmas Day is coming, but it's not here yet. So I'll add in some extra waiting to the season. The "what the heck will my job look like" waiting can mingle with the "what the heck am I going to do with the grape in my breast" waiting. 

I imagine myself, sitting in a darkened sacred space. One worry is in my left hand. The other clings to my hip like a small child. And we wait in peace for the light.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes they do - and it makes me laugh almost as much as the ducks do :)

  2. I'm sorry you're going through all that simultaneously. It's comforting that the technician agreed with your assessment, though of course you're right that the radiologist will need to make the official determination. As for changes on the job, well, those can be good -- sometimes new challenges are just what we need. (Believe me, I know!) My thoughts are with you!

    1. I know - I'm half excited and half fearful about my job. I think it will turn out to be a good thing.

  3. This is a test...this is only a test.

    Blessings to you, dear friend.

  4. I hope that all will be well....we need your jolliness!!! Lots of love in it all.

  5. Hey, those are some really serious Thug Cows. They will kick your ass AND take your name. And probably your purse.

    Maybe you should take a cue from those tough cows and just cop an attitude. Face it all down with some good old-fashioned snark and squared shoulders. Vow that you aren't anyone (or anyTHING's) lunchmeat.

    1. Ha! Yes they ARE thugs! Mike had better watch out :)

  6. The only thing YOU can truly control is your attitude, and you seem to have pretty secure grip on that. Stay positive, always do the best you can do, and leave everything else to someone higher. :)


  7. You managed to write about some painful things in such a positive way. We need more of that. Prayers going out that your grape is benign and that the changes in your job are for the better. And that the cows only stare at Dr. M and don't confront him.

    1. Thanks! My followup is scheduled for Monday - I'll keep everyone posted!

  8. Psalm 46:10 and Matthew 10:29-31

    Praying for you, Dana, that you might soak up, wallow in, and be enveloped in the Peace of the Season...

  9. I'm sending positive thoughts your way that the lump is nothing to worry about. Take care.

  10. Cow best have game, it come for me...just sayin' I went up against Lanny F. for three years in high school. Cow better bring it. 'cause I know some things...

  11. Praying for you, dear friend, on every front. xoxo

  12. Sending up fervent prayers that it's nothing and that your job will be safe, but that does little to allay your worry. Know that I am thinking of you and sending love and peace.

  13. All will be well, and love from me Bug..

  14. Just one of those waitings would be enough. Hope for the best possible outcome for both.

  15. It will be fine. I will it. --the Great Shabazz

  16. Those cows seem to be coping a bit of an attitude. Not good for a creature that could end up between two pieces of bread and smeared with ketchup. Sending good vibes for a happy resolution on the limp.

  17. So sorry to hear about your troubles...'this too will pass' is what my dear Mum used to say. Everything crossed for you and the light will come soon. Take care xxxxx

  18. Here's hoping and praying that the lump you discovered will turn out to be just a cyst. I had a similar scare a few years ago. The waiting is the worst. Waiting to hear good news from you on Monday!

    When I was a kid in Germany, Advent always was considered the quiet, reflective time leading up to Christmas. There was no Christmas music in church until Christmas Eve. Alas, I love Christmas and Christmas music, so I've been playing it since Halloween was over...

  19. That'll snap you to attention! Praying for a good report and trusting in a God who "works all things for our good". He is faithful!

  20. Oh, dear. I'm so late getting here, but since today is Monday, maybe this is the day you got your news. I'm praying it's good. I remember what it feels like to get that sort of news (I ended up with a hysterectomy) and it's a little like stepping off into space.

    And work concerns on top. Well, I suppose the good news is that when my boss quits, I'll be the first to know. (Nyuk, nyuk). Maybe the changes that will come to your work will be all positive. We can hope for that. Negative test, positive changes. You're in my prayers.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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