Sunday, June 22, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Twenty-five

I have made a solemn vow that next week’s daily walk pictures will NOT contain selfies. Sheesh – I don’t know about you, but I am TIRED of my face. Ha!
Sunday, June 15th        
My daily walk.

I posted these photos on Wednesday – as you can see by the end of the week some of these promises have been fulfilled.

Monday, June 16th
My daily walk – I helped mow. Yes, that actually IS sweat on my brow. I know – I’m amazed too!

Tuesday, June 17th            
Dr. M took a picture of one of my favorite scenes – hay!

My daily walk. Someone on facebook said it looked like I was walking in the Milky Way :)

Wednesday, June 18th
Lots of pictures today. First up – my daily walk, which I took rather early at work to avoid the heat.

Look who I found! I spent my lunch hour running errands & decided to do a drive-by shooting of the Tax Time Pig. Blurry as per usual – ha!

Dr. M saw our albino squirrel – so cute…

Our neighbors asked Dr. M to take a picture of them – it was their 59th wedding anniversary! Happy Anniversary Mr. Ken & Mrs. Ruth!

We had a storm roll through (it’s a regular Wednesday thing these days) – Dr. M took this pretty sinister picture.


Thursday, June 19th
My daily walk – I enjoyed walking part of it barefoot in the grass.

Dr. M saw a couple of babies on campus today – sweet!

Friday, June 20th
My daily walk – the working from home edition.

Dr. M took pictures of our volunteer tomatoes (& the bug that guards them). Also pictured: the Lavender Menace & Daisy Nation, about to explode.

Saturday, June 21st  
Bed head. My hair looks like this most mornings – it always makes me laugh.

My daily walk. As I said on facebook, today was a day that would have decided to NOT walk, except that I feel obligated to post pictures.

Daisies! The first of MANY pictures of the daisies this summer, I’m sure.

Have a great week!


  1. Tax pig again, hello!
    Cute squirrel.

  2. Well, I'm NOT tired of your face... :-)

    I'd so be stalking that albino squirrel if we had one around here. And how nice of Dr. M to take this anniversary picture for your neighbors!

  3. You have an albino squirrel in your neighborhood! I don't think I've ever seen one, even in pictures. That's so cool!

  4. I love your dedication Bug. On my part, I have been experiencing seasonal allergies, kind of like Reya suffered before her trip to Paris. The doctor suggested I had pollen issues and she wanted to put me on prednisone. I have been staying in more until the worst goes away because I don't really like being on steroids. Hopefully, the worst of the spring bloomers are done and I can go out and enjoy summer a little more.

  5. Y'all, the albino squirrel is just about the coolest thing ever! Apparently there are a few around here...they are true albinos. I photographed a young one a few years ago that was perfectly happy munching on sunflower seeds while I did the photo shoot. We like to think this is the same one, coming back from time to time to check in with us. It is a a white buffalo to me, joke.

  6. I've been wondering when we were going to see the tax pig again. It's been a while.

  7. I love the albino squirrel, and the fawns. That pic of you walking among the stars is terrific too!

  8. I especially loved the hay in the field. Hope they got it in before the storm.

  9. That's about how my hair looks too :)
    59 years together... wow... that's so cool.

  10. Love the daisies! And the cattail looking things are neat..

  11. Your mow face pic is the cutest pic of you ever!

  12. The albino squirrel photos are fantastic.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...