Monday, June 16, 2014

Monday Miscellany

  • I fell over trying to put my pants on this morning. Yes, that’s right, Queen Klutz is on the loose – and if I were you I’d just steer clear if you see her.
  • On the other hand, I slept until 11:00 on Saturday! This used to be a regular occurrence back in the day, but once I became so decrepit my body wouldn’t let me stay in bed that long. Nice to know that my body will let me be so slothful. It’s like I’m a teenager again! Well, maybe not quite…
  • Baseball is in full swing. I don’t know why, but I’ve felt very pessimistic about the Braves this year. And they’re first in their division! But it’s a weak first – the other National League division leaders have much better records. At least they’re not the Cubs :)
  • My friend Jenny made all of these bows for me back when I was leaving for Zambia. That was nearly 30 years ago – they’re antiques! I don’t know why I’ve kept them all these years. Sentiment? I had a drawer I wasn’t using? I’ve been tempted to wear worn some of them over the years, but now that I’m 50 I decided that I should probably pass them along to a little girl.

  • Watch out world! I am this |  | close to writing a new poem. Maybe it’s more like this|          | close – but it’s gonna happen. Soon. 

How was your Monday?


  1. I've really missed your poetry. So pick yourself up and get writing.

  2. I hope you managed to get hour pants on before you left the house.

  3. I told you your feet were too small. ;)

  4. I've done that...falling over while trying to get my pants on, that is. I had read an article about living as a left-handed person in a right-handed world. I'm right-handed, but my youngest son is a leftie. Out of motherly compassion, I wanted to understand how he felt. The article said to put your pants on with the other leg first. It seems we always step into our pants the same way, one specific leg always first. So I tried that...and fell over. Ha!

    I believe the better sleeping is a result of your daily walking. When I first started strength training (just a few light weights at the gym - nothing terribly ambitious), I was surprised how that it made me sleep like a rock.

    Looking forward to your poem!

  5. I don't think i could ever sleep in 'til 11 o'clock. I'm just too much of a morning person. Love the bows.

  6. LOL.... You're lamenting the Braves and I'm celebrating the Spurs victory yesterday... two entirely different sports but oh so fun to watch sometimes, eh?

    1. I loved it! Been a Tim Duncan fan for 20 years, which means I've been a Spurs fan for 16...from afar. I seldom watch, just keep track. I cheered mightily for them last year, too.

  7. oh the mental picture of you falling over..... :)

    love, love baseball season. But I am a Rangers fan (I know, I know). My Texas roots run deep!

  8. I suffered a fall (on Memorial Day Weekend) myself. Different circumstances, but still made me feel like a terrible klutz. Two of my fingers are still swollen and painful from my attempt to catch myself. Falling down as a kid is a big nothing a lot of the time, but once we are older, we sure feel stupid.

    The Cleveland Indians (and baseball in general) have taught me not to get too invested in wins and losses this early in the season. But like RaD above, I was pretty happy to see the Spurs hand it to the Heat. How petty of me, I know.

    1. I love Tim Duncan...I loved seeing him win his fifth ring! Petty? Not at all ;)

  9. I like your blog - love seeing photos of others' walks!


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