Sunday, June 15, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Twenty-four

This week was all about the moon & getting back into a “normal” routine. 

Sunday, June 8th        
Today was Pentecost at church. It was a lovely service. Like a lot of churches, we had people read the lesson from Acts in different languages all at the same time to demonstrate how the people heard the apostles preaching to them in their own languages. Usually I find this to be rather jarring & not very meaningful, but this year it was really powerful. The main reader (in English) used the microphone & the other readers were reading somewhat softly along with her. Very cool. I didn’t get pictures of any of that, but here is a picture that someone took that happens to have me in it. I’m sitting (in my choir robe – ha) getting ready to make the announcements.

My daily walk. Someone asked me if posting these pictures here & on Facebook is a motivator. Boy howdy is it! Hope you don’t get tired of them because it really does make me feel accountable.

Monday, June 9th
I asked all my Facebook People what they think this volunteer plant in our garden is & the consensus is watermelon. Or squash. We shall see! We also have about SEVEN volunteer tomato plants!

My daily walk. If you look closely in the picture on the lower right you can see Dr. M sitting on our swing waiting on me.

Tuesday, June 10th            
I did a 10 on 10 post today – you can check it out here. I’ll just share two of the pictures here. This is the face I made after I tried a “veggie breakfast patty.” Blech!

My daily walk.

Wednesday, June 11th
Today my bangs were making me crazy, but I didn’t have anything to use to corral them. I mentioned to a coworker that I might try to use paperclips & she dug out two blue ones that matched what I was wearing – ha!

This is my pleased with myself for problem-solving selfie.

My daily walk.

Dr. M saw a Blue Jay in our back yard.

The moon! I love how it looks like it’s being held by a crescent moon.

Thursday, June 12th
My daily walk.

Our hanging basket is outrageously pretty.

The Honey Moon! 

Friday, June 13th
Finished another puzzle. One of the pieces is missing – they did some maintenance in our office, turned all the chairs upside down & left them that way (??) & apparently knocked part of my puzzle off the desk, & one of the pieces went missing. :(

My daily walk. I took a walk at work & then came home & took Daisy out for a spin. I think that might be my next challenge – one walk & one bike ride per day.

Doves. I love how they’re always in pairs.

The moon!

Saturday, June 14th  
Today Dr. M & I went to the Fen. I walked the trail, while he took pictures of flying things (and a Bug). Gorgeous day!

Have a great week!


  1. Your hanging basket is breathtakingly beautiful.

  2. I really love that idea of reading the scripture in different languages. very cool.

    I don't know a lot about plants but that doesn't look like a squash plant to me. Be sure and let us know!!

  3. I love the photo of the moon through the tree branches. That's an imaginative way to photograph it!

  4. A veggie breakfast patty? Blech! Oh dear....I must send you a CARE package. :)


    1. CARE package? Come on and say it, S., it's a "bacon box."

  5. I love catching up with you at the end of every week. that puzzle piece probably got sucked up by the vacuum cleaner.

  6. The moon with the leaves in front of it may very well be the most amazing picture ever!!!
    Paper clips as bobby pins? My world has just changed.

  7. I can relate to posting your daily walks on Facebook being a motivator. I feel a bit of that when I post my mileage and time to my RunKeeper app. Yeay for motivators!

    I love your "pleased with myself" picture - you look like a model!

  8. Love all the photos. There are too many for my little brain to remember....but I know the plant and moon very very cool! Our church does not do other languages. That sounds really special though. Next time record it for me....well...that would be hard to do if you are in church...


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...