Saturday, May 22, 2010

Project 365 – Week Twenty-One

First, I'd like to talk about my funeral experience today. The singing was fine – I'm no Susan Boyle, but I'll do. When we practiced, the director asked if I had any more volume. I said, "potentially." And I did when the time came. My jell-o salad was just ok – not much got eaten, but if you could have seen the spread they had you wouldn't have wanted the weird looking wobbly green stuff either LOL.

The hard part was that, even though I didn't know the deceased, I was watching her daughter throughout the service. She was wrecked. And so was I. As the tears ran down my face I was thinking of my own mother. I was concerned that singing would be a problem, but in the end it wasn't. It did make me think that I don't want to sing at very many more funerals. Rough morning!

OK – now onto the pictures for the week.

Sunday, May 16th

We have our first blossoms from the wildflower seeds Dr. M planted in our front flower bed. We're very excited to see what all comes up.

Monday, May 17th

Tomato update! Dr. M put some of the plants in pots outside & kept these inside (we still don't trust our May weather just yet). I feel like such a proud mama.

Tuesday, May 18th

Dr. M took a picture of a lamb in the twilight. It's a little spooky looking. Some of his Facebook friends called him Twi-Lamb, but one of them thought he was a Weresheep.

Wednesday, May 19th

Dr. M took some more nature pictures on Wednesday. I was highly amused by the gray squirrel chasing the fox squirrel away.

Here is a blue jay – I thought he got a nice shot.

And I just love this flower picture!

Thursday, May 20th

On Thursday the Twi-Lamb picture was freaking out too many people on Facebook, so Dr. M replaced that picture with this one of our sock monkey with a Serta Sheep in a half-nelson. It's Dr. M's summer break (although he's teaching one course a week right now), which means large amounts of silliness on Facebook. Can you tell?

Friday, May 21st

Here's the latest pig picture. I think the frog has a fishing pole. That made Dr. M & me think of the Crawdad Song :

You get a line and I'll get a pole, Honey,
You get a line and I'll get a pole, Babe.
You get a line and I'll get a pole,
We'll go fishin' in the crawdad hole,
Honey, Baby mine.

I also took a picture of the sky after a thunderstorm. I just thought it was cool looking.

Saturday, May 22nd

Today Dr. M surprised me by taking me to Lowe's to get a swing for our back yard. We had a nice time putting it together (I was #1 assistant).

And then afterward we sat on it while I read the paper. I envision a lot of evenings like this – heaven!

Go here to see the blogs of all the other Project 365 participants.


  1. i have done funeral singing before as well...i said i would never do another one! like you said, even if you don't know the deceased it is hard to watch them cry and mourn. great week in photos!

  2. I've never been asked to do funeral singing which is just as well. I tihnk, like you, even if I didn't know the deceased, the family's grief would spill over into me. Kudos for getting through it though. The pictures are great this week. I lurve your sock monkey and now I want one LOL.

  3. The family will remember how beautiful it was and that will give them comfort. I know it must have been hard to see them grieving and yet sing well. Love the swing!

  4. Looks like a wonderful week and I loved the weresheep.

    I didn't know you sang. A woman of many talents.

  5. You haven't got your tomatoes in the ground and mine have already stopped setting fruit! Now if the green ones will ripen...

    cool swing.

  6. Dear The Bug,
    You did fantastic with the singing. If you felt the grief, then I know you sang it with even more heart.

    As for the Twi-Lamb, it makes me think of Eve Dallas talking about cows. Ha ha!

    I have always had a secret fondness for sock monkeys. Never wanted a real monkey though.

    Ann T.

  7. I wanna hug the lamb!!! awww...

    And totally laughing at the sock monkey with the Surta Matress lamb! :)

  8. Love your new swing...wish I had room in my yard for one! And that sheep is kinda (very) spooky...not gonna lie! And I don't sing, but I am not sure I could sing at a funeral cuz I am a sympathic one cries alone if I am around! Good for you for being able to do it! Great week of photos once again!

  9. I love the week's photos, and of course as a sheep lover the weresheep is devilishly delightful! The location of the swing is perfect, great place from which to offer and advice and counsel to the grill master.

  10. Twi-lamb is a bit freakish, but I have to confess that I have been forever scarred by thost sock monkey car commercials.

    I can imagine that singing at funurals is tough. What an experiance.

  11. Love swings! There's just something so soothing about the steady back-and-forth motion. *sigh* Enjoy!

    Where better to be silly than facebook? Why entertain only a handful of people when there's potential to cause convulsive laughter in the masses?! Look forward to your sharing more of Dr. M's silly photos :-)

    Enjoyed your whole week of photos. That's the best-dressed pig I've ever seen. LOL I think you should make calendars next year with a different pig photo for each month. Wouldn't that make a great gift?!

  12. I hear you on the funeral. I have sang too and it is hard to not feel the loss, even when you are removed.
    The sheep is a little creepy.
    Love the squirrel action shot! The frog is hilarious and now I have that song stuck in my head!!!
    Have a great week!!

  13. Oh, man. It is so hard to sing at funerals. I'm one of those people who like to really FEEL every moment in life (this is also known as "wallowing" here in the South), so if I have to sing at a funeral I am in a conundrum. I want to FEEL all the emotions, but I've GOT to keep it all under control so I can get through the song without falling to pieces. Always gives me a headache afterward.

    That lamb. "Weresheep." HA!!!!

    Happy Swinging!!


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