Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Commute

Driving home from work

on a glorious day

makes me appreciate

the journey

almost as much

as the destination


  1. Dear The Bug,
    Lovely day, lovely drive!

    Lovely sentiment.
    Home sweet home.

    Ah, envy . . . I like where I am but can wish to be two places at once!

    Ann T.

  2. Nice scenery but even so I hope it's not too long.

  3. As the philosopher Dorothy said, "There's no place like home."

  4. Yay! This post just makes me HAPPY!

  5. The road looks interminable, and the landscape at its sides - monotonous. The destination, however, Home, sweet home makes forget the boring drive.

  6. Nice journey, but I'm likin' the destination! Great flag to welcome you home.

  7. Hasn't Central Ohio had some unusually glorious days this week? ((sigh))

  8. Wow green space and nice blue sky. Marvalous.

  9. Looks like a glorious day! And at least your commute is scenic, and no traffic. I love that you're driving along taking pictures!

  10. i love this time of year.....

  11. Hi Dana,
    I hope you continue to enjoy your journey into the future too.

    Spoke to Pat Stinton on the phone this afternoon and she tells me that she was absolutely DELIGHTED to receive your card, which the hospital re-delivered to her home.

    Thank you so very much for this kind act. It meant a great deal to Pat, and to me.



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