Sunday, June 1, 2014

2014 Project 365 – Week Twenty-two

Well, today it’s June. And it feels remarkably like it did yesterday, in May. So maybe I’ll like June just as well. We shall see! Today I’m flying to NY State to spend a couple of days at company offices there. And it’s such a lovely day that I wish I was driving instead – it’s only around 7 hours away. I’ll have to remember that for the next time!
Sunday, May 25th       
The Wedding!! Here are a few pictures. If you haven’t already, & you’re interested, check out Dr. M’s blog for more wedding shots.

My daily walk. If I’d been thinking straight I would have walked around the lake at the wedding. Doh!

Monday, May 26th
My Daily Walk – I went to our local fen. Bliss!

Dr. M took a picture of our neighbor’s poppies for Memorial Day.

Tuesday, May 27th            
My Daily Walk – listening to an audio book.

Wednesday, May 28th
I finished another jigsaw puzzle at work.

My daily walk. It was a BIT warm.

Our back yard is turning into a zoo!

Thursday, May 29th
My Daily Walk – tempting fate. It was a bit rumbly, but I didn’t get rained on.

Rosie, our miniature rose is bursting with buds now!

Friday, May 30th
Dr. M knows how much I love peonies. He stopped & took pictures of some for me. He posted more picture on his blog – check them out.

My daily walk, where I found some peonies on our street!

Enjoyed some swing-sittin’ time, listening to the Braves on the radio & watching the fire.

Saturday, May 24th  
My daily walk – love the stilt shadow :)

Crow on our neighbor’s roof.

The moon!

Have a great week!


  1. I love that crow's splayed feathers, and the idea of listening to the radio and watching the fire sounds pretty great. (Even if it's sports. Ugh.)

    1. I know, right? Baseball is the only sport we really tolerate anymore, but we find it nostalgic and relaxing...most of the time. But yes, one of the things I love most about the smartphone is that it is kind of like a really supped up transistor radio from back in the day! Thanks, Steve...I had good light and the crow put on a show for us.

  2. I'd enjoy sitting on the swing and watching the fire, but I'd want to listen to ghost stories on the radio, not sports!

    1. Ha! I'm surprised she didn't make me listen to an audio book. Nah, we like our is comfort food for our ears to listen to Don Sutton's Alabama drawl.

  3. That crow is scary. I'd like to rent him for Halloween. Your yellow rose is exquisite.

    I'd listen to the oldies channel. Dr. M. looks content. May life always be so sweet for both of you.

    1. Thank you, dear friend I've never met. Contentment comes hard, sometimes. The crow was awesome! What a show-off! Little Rosie has exploded in blooms, so more next week. Peace

  4. In that last picture of you it really looks like you're on stilts.

    1. It does! So the attack of the 50 ft woman, lol!

  5. I'm drawn to the swing and the fire. What a relaxing way to spend an evening. Looks like a nice week. :)


    1. It's a good life, here on the hem of the lone prairie. It ain't Texas, but it's a good life :-)

  6. you should plant some peonies in your yard. I would if they would grow down here.

    1. We've talked about it, but every time we think about the future, some new twist threatens our stay here in the little house. If only we had just dove in with both feet five years ago. Oh, wait...we kind of did! Wait until you see our daisies, lilies, and day lilies this year :-)

  7. Rain clouds make me walk faster :)
    Off to look at more wedding photos :)

    1. It was a lovely wedding! The photographers who shot it worked so hard. They were kin...of course they did. I wish I could have taken pics with the Nikon, but as you can see, I was otherwise engaged. I was mad, though...I missed two perfect opportunities to photograph barn swallows, as I didn't want to appear anti-social during rehearsal and wedding, lol! I love those two kids...they are beautiful people.

  8. I love peonies, too! You are doing such a great job moving everyday! Hopefully its making you feel stronger. Pretty wedding!!

    1. She is doing a great job! She is getting stronger and more fit every day. And it was a pretty wedding!

  9. Love the shots this week. The poppy and rose were amazing. I love peonies. The wedding was beautiful.

    1. Thank you! I put a few extra touches on them to bring out the beauty I was seeing. The wedding was very special!

  10. You are becoming an envious photographer. The pictures of the dewy yellow rosebud and the crow taking flight are so impressive!

  11. I admire your tenaciousness, i.e. The Daily Walk, The Daily Bike Ride, etc.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...