Tuesday, March 10, 2015

10 on 10

We're in NC visiting our folks & I had a very lazy 10th day of the month. Just the kind of day off I like best!

1. Baked beans & BBQ - it's what's for breakfast!

2. Spent some time watching this John Oliver clip about how it's time to give our U.S. territories voting rights. 

3. Lunch! Strawberry rhubarb jelly, peanut butter, & banana on homemade bread.

4. Watched my dad fix the switch on a lamp. And by watch, I mean I took his picture before going & doing other things.

5. My daily walk! Just a brief photo journey around the yard.

6. Came back in & read some blogs.

7. "Let" my dad beat me in Horse. Heh.

8. Dinner! That's a salad plate, but I still ate WAY TOO MUCH crockpot mac & cheese. Urgh.

9. This is what I did off & on today. Finished the 4th square after dinner & then wove in all the loose ends. I had quite a pile when I was done! I usually do this as I go along, but figured this was a nice mindless task to do while talking to people. My brother, for example, who came by for a little while. I'm a terrible blogger - I forgot to get his picture.

10. Not really a picture, but I just wanted to show why we're enjoying our time down south - it's 46 degrees in Xenia right now :)


  1. What is up with that weather app? "Wow settings"? And the polar bear?

    1. It's the Weather Doge app - he's a dog. And you will not be surprised to learn that Reya turned me on to him :)

  2. I love you played horse with your dad :)

    1. It was fun! I think if we'd gotten to play some more I might have even hit three shots!

  3. Hey! I know that blog! ;-)

    (Thanks for the publicity.)

    Crocuses! And green shoots. How absolutely lovely. And was that a bird's nest behind the angel wall ornament? Enjoy the rest of your stay.

    1. Darn it - I meant to link to your blog in the post & forgot to go back to it. Oops!

      Yes - there's a wren building a nest in there. My dad was laughing because there's just as much nesting material on the bench below the angel as there is IN the angel. I said that Mr. Wren brings material & Mrs. Wren says, "No!" Heh.

  4. Mmm...peanut butter and nanner sammich! I remember once I was watching a show on TV sponsored by Kraft. At a commercial their ad said, "Try this unique and exotic sandwich....spread peanut butter on bread and slice a banana on top!" I thought "unique"..."exotic"? I had two for lunch. :)

    1. LOL - my dad always had a peanut butter & banana sandwich for lunch every day. These days he added chocolate covered raisins to them. I felt rather tame just adding jelly :)

  5. Never heard of PB and J with a banana. Now PB, banana, and mayo? That's a whole 'nother sandwich.

    1. Yep - that second sandwich is what my dad used to eat every day. I was just in the mood for some jelly :)

  6. That's an interesting breakfast combo...

    The peanut butter, banana. and rhubarb jelly sandwich looks good. You should call it the PBR sandwich.

  7. You'll relish having that great picture of your dad for many years to come.

    By the way, Elvis, did you deep fry that sandwich?

    1. Man I totally missed an opportunity there - I should have at least pan fried it!

  8. I like that photo of your dad with all the family photos behind him. It has a nice feel to it. Barbecue AND mac & cheese?!?! Yummo!

    1. Yes - that picture turned out better than I thought it would.

  9. and how did I forget the crock pot mac and cheese? geez...so much goodness


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