Sunday, March 22, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twelve

Boy was it hard to get adjusted to being back at work this week! I felt sluggish & unproductive – although I did actually get a lot done. Dr. M took some great pictures this week & once again helped me out by posting them on his blog. Check it out here!

Sunday, March 15th   
Scenes from our back yard. Good to be home! 

Monday, March 16th  
Oh look – a cardinal! We never see those around here… :)

My daily walk – OUTSIDE! Ah…

Tuesday, March 17th        
Dr. M & I both forgot to take a picture today!!! I think this is the first time in several years (although I guess I could share my screen shot of my daily walk on the gazelle). However, I do have a couple of pictures to share – Dr. M gave a lecture at his university as part of a new installation there about the dust bowl. Good job sweetie!

Wednesday, March 18th
I had a busy day – work, then a meeting with our Rector, then this worship team meeting. Choir practice afterward…

While I was at the meeting I finished this scrubby dishcloth. I’m not sure about how effective it will be, but it was a LOT of fun to make.

That evening I thought this prayer for a Wednesday in Lent was especially relevant.

Thursday, March 19th   
Not content with the scrubby I decided to make a bath pouf. I’ve already used this & I would like to note that perhaps washing it first would have been a good idea – it was alarming to see the shower water run red. Ha!    

Dr. M got a wild hair & decided to pierce his ear again. Although I would also like to get another piercing in one of my ears I don’t think I’ll use his method.

Friday, March 20th  
Early morning on campus – were-deer!

Here they are in the light of day…

I started a new afghan square. The middle of it is pretty unusual – basically you crochet all these short rows & then sew it together to get a circle. I was skeptical until I tried it. Interesting!

Saturday, March 21st           

Dr. M was in his happy place out on the swing, so I had to join him.

My daily walk – I pushed myself to go further than usual. Ugh – yet another reminder that using a gazelle is NOT the same as actual walking! I need some more pretty days (& fewer meetings) so I can get more fit out in the real world.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. A star and the moon? next time Dr. M. needs a comet earring.

  2. Always love your week. Glad the weather is good and you can get outside. Love the swing.

  3. Those first days back after vacation are killers! Just the thought of wading through all the emails makes me shudder.

    Re: piercing we want to know what Dr. M's method was???

    That swing looks great - both Sunday's picture and the one with you guys in it.

    1. The answer is no...and thanks! We love our swing :-)

  4. That scrubby dishcloth is WAY TOO NICE to use as a dishcloth!

    Did Dr. M pierce his own ear? Yikes. I went to Claire's in the mall. :)

  5. I do wish--like you--that this weather would straighten out so that I could start getting out and about more consistently and enjoying it. Yesterday it was windy and barely hit 30, but the wind chills dragged us well below that. I never did warm up after being out running an errand.


    1. I admit, even I was surprised by that pic! It is not unusual for combine harvesters, etc, to go through downtown on their way from one farm to another, but one doesn't often see a tractor like this in a 1950s suburb, lol!

  6. The dear pic is frameable--a gorgeous wall hanging!
    Clever bath pouf.

  7. No way you are going to use that pretty flower for a kitchen scrubby!

  8. the porch with the rainbow looks familiar - is that where Tax Time Pig lives?

  9. Love the pic of the deer. The swing looks relaxing. We get cardinals all the time. It's our state bird.


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