Sunday, March 15, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Eleven

We were travelling this week so of course we have a lot of pictures. Fortunately, Dr. M posted a couple of blogs with sheep & bird pictures – so this post is only moderately long instead of really long :) Go here and here – really, you don’t want to miss out if you haven’t seen these photos!

Sunday, March 8th   
Headed to NC!! Scenes from the road.

The first thing I did after we unloaded the car was take a walk around my dad’s property. Spring!            

Monday, March 9th  
I missed seeing these crocuses yesterday – I laughed because I specifically went out to find them & got distracted by daffodils.

Dr. M always enjoys watching the birds from my dad’s sun room.

Daddy, Amy, & I did some mall walking.

And then I sat outside and crocheted for a while!

Tuesday, March 10th        
Dr. M went to visit his dad today, and of course wandered around a bit.

Meanwhile, I was taking pictures for my 10 on 10 post. (By the way, I went back & replied to all of your comments)

Wednesday, March 11th
Today I went with Dr. M to visit his dad. I wandered around his property.

Then we sat around for a while just talking about nothing in particular. Can you see the two cats in the bottom right picture?

And then we decided to take a swing that Dr. M’s dad had made a number of years ago. I’ll be excited to sit in it this spring & summer. It’s funny – we’ve been trying to bring my car (Daisy) on long trips, but this time Dr. M wanted to bring the Bugly. I guess now we know why!

Cool sky on our way back to Daddy & Amy’s house.

Thursday, March 12th   
Daddy & I went to a local parking lot to take my daily walk.

This plant grows in my dad’s yard in the winter – one or two leaves come up every year. There are never any blooms. Facebook seemed to think it’s trillium – what does blogland say?           

Friday, March 13th  
We headed home today and took our usual short detour to check out the critters.

We stopped at Tamarack & wandered around so I could get my daily walk. We called the sculpture “B.O. Man” – but if you read what it’s about it’s actually very powerful.

Saturday, March 14th          
Dr. M sprained his ankle while we were in NC (a dream battle involving the Simpsons + and a bed too near the wall = crunched ankle). Anyway, he was supposed to be taking it easy. I came home from the grocery store to find him cutting back honeysuckle vines. Men!

My daily walk – outside!! It was a bit breezy, but otherwise quite wonderful. Yay!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Cool sky on our way back to Daddy & Amy’s house.

    That picture really sets a mood. Sort makes you think something might be lurking just out of view.

  2. That's an awesome bird picture on Monday. And the clouds in Wednesday's photo look very mysterious.

  3. That looks like a fine swing Dr, M's dad made. You should have years enjoying it.

  4. You got great pictures of both dads.

  5. Treasure your visits home. Thank you for sharing the memories.

  6. Seems like the ideal spring break. Now back to the real world, *sigh*

  7. yes I think that's trillium...great pics!

  8. AWESOME Pictures! I adored the purple crocuses.....I feel so at peace when I look at you P365. Thanks for the bird's eye view. Happy St. Paddy's day.

  9. Are men ever sensible about those kinds of things? Hope he's healing nicely. The photo of the dark clouds looks like Aunty Em's. B.O. Man made me laugh. Ha! I do love a porch swing. You should show us a picture when you hang it. My theory is that all the world would be a better place if everyone did a little porch-sitting everyday. Enjoy it in good health!

  10. Your trip looks very relaxing. There is nothing like a porch swing! Hope your weather is getting better. We had sleet yesterday! Blah!

  11. The dog pic is frameable!
    As are so many of your photos!
    Tight fit, but so great that you can take and enjoy the swing!
    Spring flowers, oh! Nothing here yet, especially with yesterday's snowfall. What about there in OH?


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