Sunday, March 29, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirteen

There aren’t very many pictures this week, & once again we very nearly missed getting a photo on one day. I’m just glad I took a random selfie (I have NO IDEA why I took the picture, except maybe to demonstrate that my hair is kind of out of control with static these days).

Sunday, March 22nd    
I had a very busy day today – church, taking communion to a sick parishioner, and then book club! I was laughing because we’re all about digital books in our book club (that thing that sort of looks book-like is the menu for the café – ha!).

Monday, March 23rd
Dr. M saw some canvas-backed ducks today!

Isn’t this the saddest sight you ever saw?

Tuesday, March 24th        
Apparently Tuesdays are getting to be a problem – last Tuesday I had to use pictures from Dr. M’s university’s website. Today, you get me.

Wednesday, March 25th
Canada geese on the move…

And a random racing pigeon that just showed up in our neighborhood! Dr. M did some research & thinks it belongs to a racing club in Illinois. I think it was just a bit off course!

Thursday, March 26th   
I ran out of lettuce, but I was determined to have a salad anyway. Heh.

Dr. M got some great pictures of a blue heron in flight. Go to his blog here to see more.

Friday, March 27th  
Tree, or Ent – you make the call.

Fish & Chips Friday – yum!

Saturday, March 28th            
I didn’t have anything I needed to do today – such a nice feeling! So I spent some time watching spring training baseball & crocheting.

Well, we did have one thing to do – we attended a play at Dr. M’s university. It was very well done – and educational. Go here to read about the Living Newspaper type of production. Interesting!

The moon!
Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I love your Saturday picture and even more I love the line about how you "didn't have anything you needed to do...." Those are the best kind of days!

    Ha! You have the exact same cable box that we have.

  2. definitely Ent!!! I laughed when I read that because when the movie came out, that was my sons biggest complaint...they didn't get the Ents right...they only say a word every 100 years!!! sheesh! :)

  3. Love that blue heron in flight. Great composition.

  4. ...we’re all about digital books in our book club...

    I use to be a fanatic about my Kindle. Now, I just buy no-name authors on it, they charge nearly the full book price for well known writers. I’ve gotten where I buy used books for popular authors.

  5. I'm just getting into Kindle reading. I like it!
    All wildlife pics, amazing! Thank you, we don't need to go searching, just go to your weekly blog.

  6. Our book club reads only books that are available in paperback. If it's a best seller, I have often already bought the hard cover the year before and then given it away. So I order it on Kindle and take that with me to book club although I do most of my reading with "real" books.

  7. I'm still reading real books. I have several downloaded to my Kindle but I never read them.

    And there's nothing better than a day when you can lean back and watch a baseball game.

  8. I love the shots of the Canada geese. Graceful!


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