Saturday, March 7, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Ten

Lots of pictures this week – more snow, my birthday (tulips!!), and a couple of selfies. I’m thinking about reinstituting the State of the Bug – ha!

Sunday, March 1st  
Dark Eyed Juncos – love them!

I’ve been writing notes as part of my Lenten practice this year. What have I learned? I have TERRIBLE handwriting! It’ll be a wonder if anyone can read these things!

 Monday, March 2nd   
Things Dr. M saw today.

 Tuesday, March 3rd – my birthday!       
From my coworkers – yum!

I had told Dr. M that I would probably have something sweet at work & he said, “So you don’t need a cake?” I gave him the pouty face to end all pouty faces. It probably looked like this – ha!

So I got cake – and tulips!

Wednesday, March 4th
So so pretty…

I came inside out of the wind & used my phone to make sure my hair was back in place. Ha!

Yes, still very cold…

Gift for a coworker. I had the wrapping paper, but forgot to see if I had any ribbons, so I improvised.

Thursday, March 5th   
More things Dr. M saw…

For more pictures of the frozen creek, check out Dr. M's blog here
The moon!         

Friday, March 6th  

My Valentine’s roses & birthday tulips, making some sort of commentary on the nature of life…

The moon!

I was fiddling around trying to get a selfie with these reading glasses when I noticed something interesting about the picture…

Saturday, March 7th          
Our albino squirrel made an appearance today. So cute!

Hey, there’s actual non-frozen water in the cement pond!

Afghan update – terrible photos (one of these days I’m really going to work on taking better pictures of my work), but you can sort of see what’s going on with the four different blankets. One square has turned out a lot bigger than the other ones – we’ll see what I have to do about that when I put them all together.

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I always thought skunks were cool. As for squirrels, there is one that raids my wife's bird feeders and it drives my dogs crazy.

  2. those are some pretty fancy squares. I didn't realize you were making four blankets. love the albino squirrel and of course, the moon shots.

  3. Love the picture of the black and white striped kitty cat, that little stinker!

  4. You have great coworkers - that fruit looks yummy! Incredible Edibles? Glad you got cake, too. Fruit doesn't count for a birthday.

    Love the albino squirrel. Well, and the moon. And your picture reflecting in your glasses in your selfie.

  5. I love the skunk! I've read that skunk numbers are shrinking...I'm glad to see that little guy out and about. The crocheted "ribbon" is great too!

  6. Happy Belated Birthday. It looks like everyone had it covered quite well. Those fruit bouquets are incredibly pricey, I found out. Yikes.
    Your crocheted gift ribbon will be much appreciated since it can be reused/repurposed. And that albino squirrel is completely charming. Completely!

  7. Happy Belated Birthday! Glad it was so enjoyable. Hope the big guy photographed the skunk with his long lens.

  8. wow, the squares...the albino squirrel, the bird, all the pretty flowers....what a treat to stop by today. I still don't know where you get all of your time! ha.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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