Sunday, July 26, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Thirty

The days are getting shorter, but it has felt a lot like summer around here this week. Hot, humid, flora out the wazoo…
Sunday, July 19th   
A little visitor to our petunias…

 Monday, July 20th  
These guys have been so gorgeous this year!

Campus critters.

Tuesday, July 21st               
We had tried to find a home for Dr. M’s mom’s electric piano, but after some months of travel it has ended up back with us. I’m thrilled to have it back! I didn’t know I had missed it…

Dr. M enjoyed the swing…

While I took my daily walk. Um, the baby wasn’t on my walk – she’s the daughter of a coworker. I attended a Mary Kay party at her house after work.

The moon!         

Wednesday, July 22nd        
Square #3 of pattern #14.

Here’s what I had to say on Facebook about this:  I started a (very modest) strength training program recently & remembered what I've always thought about these weights (which we've had for years): one of them feels lighter than the other one. I finally decided to weigh them. Not only are they nearly one pound different - neither of them weighs 3.3 lbs. How bizarre!

Thursday, July 23rd      
I ordered new glasses today – I’m going to try progressives. Well, I use progressives now, but they are just for computer & reading. These new ones will start off with a very slight distance prescription and gradually go to my reading prescription. I got tired of taking my glasses off & putting them back on all the time.

This week I finally remembered to put my old camera back in the car – it’s much easier than my phone when I want to take pictures on the fly. So, what pictures did I take this week? This one. And then one on Saturday (not shown) where I’m driving with my sunglasses on my face & my reading glasses on my head. Made me laugh.

Our yard has really been great this year!              

My daily walk.

The moon!

Friday, July 24th  
More flowers from the yard.

Square #4 of pattern #14.

The moon!

Saturday, July 24th
Went to church for Heart & Hands (our knitting/crochet ministry). I was the only one who showed up, but I finished a preemie hat & got to meet Bill the Cat! (Is anyone else out there THRILLED BEYOND WORDS that Opus is back? Swoon!).

Our yard… I would apologize for so many pictures, but I know that this winter I’ll be happy to have pictures of our flowers!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Love the sunglasses, and I can't get enough pictures of sunflowers.

  2. Love your new glasses! Where do you get them? I used to get mine right at the eye doctor's office, but the last time I got them at Sam's Club...reluctantly. You know, Sam's... And then I was extremely surprised by how great the service was, how friendly and knowledgeable the staff, and how much money I saved.

  3. Yes, I'm delighted that Bloom County is back. Loved your week in review.

  4. As my mother -in-law would have said, your flowers are something to behold. I missed my flowers this year, but we plan to do a perennial bed next year. Good on you for changing the glasses. They're cute and it will be simpler for you. I'm big on simplicity around here. Looks like Dr. M found a Zen moment on the swing. That's always a good thing.

  5. Lillies and daisies are two of my favorite flowers. Loved the shots. Love the new glasses you are sporting. I always look so forward to your 365 post. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  6. I'm happy to see the flowers as it's so hot and dry here very little is blooming.

  7. All the close-ups are great. Love the butterfly!
    So do you lift with the heavier weight with your dominant hand?
    Always delighted to visit and have Bug visits ;)

  8. One day I may try 365 again, but reality, instagram is the lazy girls 365.


  9. I can't but feel that Bill the Cat and I share a similar life path. Simply because the way he is usually drawn is often how I feel.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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