Sunday, July 12, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-eight

Flowers, deer, crochet, flowers… Summer in Ohio!

Sunday, July 5th   
In the wee hours of Sunday morning moon…

Around the yard… 

Monday, July 6th  


There are always casualties when I deadhead the daisies…

Tuesday, July 7th              
The almost daily daylily show.


I finished square #4 of pattern #13. And then I worked on a preemie hat. This was a new pattern & it ended up too large for a preemie – that’s a softball under there!

Late in the evening Dr. M found some kitties. Fortunately he didn’t have bathe in any of his brand new tomatoes. Ha!

Wednesday, July 8th       
Bambi! Or Bambi II – not sure if this is the same mama & baby…

Daylily row – so much fun!

Thursday, July 9th       
As you know, Ms. Pinky is two-toned. Well, now we’ve noticed that her petunia is also two-toned. One pot, two plants, four colors. Ha!

My daily walk.

Friday, July 10th  
Just a shot of Ms. Pinky in all her glory.

My daily walk.

A preemie hat in the correct size!

Saturday, July 11th
Daylilies, because you haven’t seen any this week.

My daily walk, at the fen.

I was prepping the altar for Sunday’s service when I noticed these tumblers next to the communion wine. Um, I know they call us whiskypalians, but we don’t generally serve communion in tumblers. Ha!


Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. Love that dead head daisy shot. You look good wearing just about anything, but this picture reminds me of an old flame I knew back in the early 70s.

  2. I just love that moon!

    And I think I just made a resolution to plant tomatoes next year. And out of spite, to make you just as jealous as you made me now, I'll be posting pictures of my tomatoes in February! Ha!

    1. Ha! Bring it ;-) And thanks! I think I woke up and staggered out into the yard just because, and there was that beautiful moon!

  3. Someone at church was feeling very ambitious.

  4. love the day lilies. mine didn't bloom that well this year.

    1. This is the best crop we've ever had! We were fairly dry and hot in May, but since then we've had almost daily showers and moderate temps. Hard on our little rose bush, but good for pansies and day lilies and daisies, I guess.

  5. Love your week, Bug. We've been looking for comprehensive retirement communities where we will move in several years. We settled on one that is Episcopalian. They have a bar in the community center and serve libations with dinner.

  6. Gosh, you guys must have the most colorful yard in Ohio!

    1. We have been blessed with gifts of daisies and day lilies over the years, but mostly we try to accent our back patio where we can sit in the swing or walk around and enjoy the colors. I had great good fortune with the plants I purchased this year!

  7. Wanted to reach out and lick the popsickle.
    ¿Un zorrino??? (skunk)


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