Sunday, July 5, 2015

2015 Project 365 – Week Twenty-seven

If you’ll recall, last week our intrepid explorers were sitting high & dry in their motel room watching an angry Lake Erie…

Sunday, June 28th   
I looked out the window in the morning & noticed that the waters had receded considerably! I still had to wade through some water to get to the main building for breakfast, but the space right in front of our building was dry.

After breakfast, the sky had cleared considerably – the lake was still not its usual calm self, but at least it was a beautiful day.

We decide to head back out to the lighthouse so we could spend a little more time with it.

Then we started heading home. On our way we were amazed & astounded to see a pair of eagles in a field. Eagles! Dr. M had to stop the car, turn around & head back to get pictures. I think we attracted notice because by the time we drove off  three other cars had stopped.

I finished square #2 of pattern #13 on our drive home.

Monday, June 29th  
I finally remembered to try one of those life hacks to get rid of the strawberry stem. It was fun, but I’m a little quicker & more accurate with a knife :)

We had a hummingbird visitor that evening!

The moon…

Tuesday, June 30th              
Ms. Pinky is growing a petunia in her pot!

My impatiens are just lovely this year.

The moon. And some planets…

Wednesday, July 1st      
Around the yard. The petunias are from Ms. Pinky’s pot.

Funky moon!

Thursday, July 2nd      
Our regular diner at the daisy buffet.


My daily walk.

Friday, July 3rd  
I had the day off from work & finished square #3 of pattern #13.

My daily walk.

In the evening Dr. M saw a hummingbird sitting up in a tree. We named the firefly, Frank. And he created a mini inferno in the citronella candle. Fun times!

Saturday, July 4th Happy Independence Day!                
Here are some fireworks to celebrate the day!

That afternoon we went to a party. We took real food (three bean salad & coleslaw), but we also decided to get some patriotic peeps that we’d seen the week before. When Dr. M told me that he’d gotten 50 peeps, I had a fabulous idea. Behold: The Fifty States of Peeps! Ha!
I printed out the labels, but many thanks to Dr. M for putting them on the toothpicks!

Hope everyone has a great week!


  1. I love watching rough, stormy weather over water. Several years back my wife's brother decided to have his wedding on a beach in Virginia. The night we arrived a tropical depression was paralleling the coast and there were several times I thought the overly large and cheaply made rental we were staying in would blow away. The next morning while the storm was gone the ocean was still raging. It was an awesome experience to just watch.

  2. I enjoyed the walk around your yard. I'm missing not having any flowers this year. I just never got around to it after the move. We plant to plant some shrubs and such in the fall. Pinky is looking mighty fine, and even found a friend to share her pot. Go Pinky.

  3. love the shot of the hummer with it's head in the flower. I tried the strawberry thing too and also found it faster with the knife.

  4. I always enjoy your week in review. Amazing how angry the Great Lakes can be. When we moved to WI and my mother saw Lake Michigan for the first time, she exclaimed, "Why. That's just like the ocean."

  5. enjoyed the flowers and pretty nature and moon pics but those PEEPS take the cake! Amazing! haha.

  6. My favorites: The Funky Moon, the squirrel, the hummingbird, the impatiens. The BRD used to grow a pot of impatiens outside when we shared a duplex with her. They are beautiful.

  7. Great squirrel picture. The boys and I always did the strawberry trick; it was great for strawberry pie and let a lot of the yummy glaze in.

    Hooray for Peeps with flags. Sheldon would have loved them so much.

  8. Wow...bald eagles! Looking at the picture of Dr. M with his camera, I realize I suffer from lens envy.

    And don't you just love it when you come across little messages in the sidewalk while out walking?

  9. Posing squirrel, too cute!
    Love all your up close and personal critter pics.
    What do you feed your flowering plants?!
    Our"Pinky" also has a friend, an impatiens.
    Great MI adventure. What makes Marblehead "your" lighthouse, and where is it?
    By the time your on #3 pattern, do you have it memorized?
    Thanks for another good week!

  10. Love the daylily "fireworks" and the volunteer petunia!

    Do you mean Frank made the inferno in the citronella candle, or Dr. M? I hope Frank didn't self-immolate?


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