Saturday, March 11, 2017

10 on 10

Woo hoo! I remembered to do the 10 pictures on the 10th of the month thing! It's not terribly exciting - just a (new normal) workday here at Bug Central.

1. Ready to work! It's just a little chilly in my office in the mornings - today I thought I'd drink some hot tea. I would love to say that I had bed head, but to be quite frank, I did actually brush my hair. I think maybe I need a trim?

2. Breakfast! Cheesy grits & runny eggs - yum!

3. The other day I walked into the kitchen & saw this in the window - made me smile (a lot). I had mentioned to Dr. M that I wanted to put these guys in between the double panes, but I don't really have the wing span to open the window myself. So of course Dr. M did it for me. (Note, this is a little video - we'll see if it works!)

4. Went out to get the mail. Just a bit breezy!

5. I took a walk down our road, then I wandered into the bit of woods off of the road. Next time I need to wear my hiking boots!

6. Lunch!

7. My office gets a bit warm in the afternoons - the benefit of direct sunlight in my windows. I've ordered some light blocking curtains - otherwise summer might be a bit rough!

8. Dr. M put together this etagere for my bathroom - he's pretty darned handy to have around. Note: I'm pretty sure that it was my phone that was tilting - not the etagere!

9. Good thing it's almost 5:00 - I'm getting so sleepy...

10. We watched two of the Madagascar movies - the one with the Afro Circus (hilarious!) and then this one where John Malkovich is a giant octopus. Fun Friday night in the Bug Household!

How was your day?


  1. That salad looks yummy. Great pictures.

  2. Love your flag. Do you have a standing fan or ceiling fan in your office? I feel like driving down and putting cold compresses on you neck. I cannot stand to be hot. It makes me mean. Your pictures are worth a thousand words.
    Cheesy grits! Welcome home!

    1. Thanks! I figured we needed a new flag for our new address.

  3. Looks like y'all are settling in nicely. :)

  4. Violets! You found violets! And a good salad, and March winds, and warmth. Maybe in August that warmth won't be so good, but for now I'll bet it's great. It looks like the settling in is continuing apace.

  5. I'm glad you remembered Ten on Ten, because I forgot. Looks like you are settling in nicely!

  6. so which is it? cold in your office or hot?

  7. Glad to see you settling in. That's quite a temperature swing in just one workday!

  8. You ran South just in time. Big sn*w headed here tomorrow. Blech.

  9. Great to see you're settling in so well, two films no less. undreamt of decadence. We had a good 10th of the month, got some good outdoorsy time so that was nice.

  10. OK... will he come to my house... I have that exact shelf I got for Christmas for my bathroom & its still sitting in a box in my living room. I aint got time for that. Thanks for the reminder - I'm going to ask my daddy to put it together for me. :)

  11. Looks like the South is good for you two.


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