Tuesday, March 14, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Ten

We are digging ourselves out from under the boxes, and next week I hope to show some pictures of the house. But things are still rather unfinished around here so I might hold off. We shall see!
Sunday, March 5th       
I finally (FINALLY!) finished the temperature monster! I was going to post a picture of the completed blanket, but we need to do it outside & the weather hasn’t cooperated (high winds, rain, SNOW, sigh).

Monday, March 6th           
My first day as a full time home office employee! I got 3,100 steps that day – obviously I need to figure out how to get more active again (it will most likely involve getting to the Gazelle that is boxed in right now – get it? Boxed in? Heh.). Anyway, the only picture I took was of a pen that fell under my desk, so instead, here is an offering from Dr. Indiana Jones.

Tuesday, March 7th                            
Miss Rita – still a blooming fool.

Wednesday, March 8th                   
The moon!

Thursday, March 9th                    
Dr. M has a new toy – self-propelled this time. Hmm – I can probably increase my activity if I steal this from him.  

My weekly trip to the post office. I do not know why I didn’t take a picture of the terribly cute post office building, but here are a few pictures from my trip.

Friday, March 10th     
You already saw most of this day’s pictures. Here’s one that didn’t make the cut – Ill Penguin watching over me as I get ready to go to sleep. Someday Ill Penguin will get stowed with the Christmas things…

Saturday, March 11th       
Nice cozy evening in front of a fire, crocheting on a WIP (work in progress) that I’ve been working on a while. Was I satisfied? Nope – I was bored…

So I dove into my stash of Irish wool that someone from church gave me & figured out yarn to use for a temperature scarf for our first year in North Carolina. It’s a sickness, ya’ll. Ha!

Have a great week!


  1. Nice cozy evening in front of a fire... This looks like my idea of relaxing! We even might have enough chill in the air in the next two days to pull off having a fire here in Florida.

  2. Love the cozy pictures. I hope you're enjoying the new location.

  3. Another temperature-based creation! You are dedicated! Can't wait to see the "monster" in full.

  4. looks like life is returning to normal.

  5. How can you be bored with all those boxes to unpack?!


  6. The belt driving the self-propelled function on our mower came off late last lawn cutting season. My son acted as if he was being punished for having to help out with the yard work because of that.

  7. I really envy that fire. Actually, I envy temperatures that allow such things. I'm not ready to start calling for winter again, but it would have been nice if we'd had just a little more coolth this year.

    Another temperature blanket? So neat. I'm anxious to see the finished product.

  8. Love it that my "tocaya" (namesake or same name) is blooming beautifully. Wish the same for me ;)
    The moon pic is lovely (I was gonna say booful).

  9. You look so cozy in front of that fire.


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...