Friday, March 17, 2017

The Bird Man of Hog Hill

Fear not, Bug's Eye View readers, there will be no lack of birds in our new location. Dr. M put up a new feeder the other day & we're already seeing a wide variety of activity: robins, juncos, goldfinches, grackles, nuthatches, tufted titmice, chickadees, cardinals, plus the occasional squirrel. Stay tuned for better pictures once the days are warmer & we can sit outside, but for now, here's a taste.

P.S. I don't know if we actually live on Hog Hill, but it is nearby, & it's the name of my cousin's pottery place just around the corner from us.


  1. Your pictures look like they were shot in the springtime. Is it warm where you are?

    1. It hasn't been warm AT ALL! It was in the 20s & 30s last week - but this week looks like it might be a little warmer.

  2. It's good that some things stay the same. Now you just need to find out where the cows hang out. Well, and train them to stare at Dr. M.

    And you need to update your "about me" section...Dana, I have a feeling we're not in Ohio anymore...

    1. LOL at the cows. We'll have to see what we can do...

      (heading over to fix the "about me" here in a minute...)

  3. I love that the birds have moved right in. They're no dummies. The word's probably out over six counties: new softies in the neighborhood!

  4. Believe it or not, I know where Hog Hill is. I have cousins in Vale and used to visit them. I remember a church as a major landmark. Before the days of GPS, you had to find the church before you could find anything else near Hog Hill. I checked out the pottery link. Your cousin does wonderful work.

  5. we had a whole flock of goldfinches last year that hung around for about two weeks and then they were gone. haven't seen any this year.

    1. At our last house we saw a lot of goldfinches until we installed the "sparrow feeder" - then the goldfinches were pretty rare. I'm hoping we see more here.

  6. It doesn't take long for birds to discover a feeder. Guess I should get out my hummingbird feeder.

  7. Beautiful!
    Two reasons to visit--birds and pottery. Oh, and YOU all! ;)

  8. always a pleasure to read your!!!


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