Sunday, March 5, 2017

2017 Project 365 – Week Nine

I’m sitting in my NC home, surrounded by boxes and trying to figure out what’s going to go where (and knowing that we’ll switch everything around at least once after living with it for a while). It’s a bit overwhelming. So instead of doing any actual work, I’m writing this post.

Sunday, February 26th      
While packing up my office I found all of these notepads. How many notepads does one family need?

Monday, February 27th           
The garage was such a blessing to us while we lived in Ohio – and we were able to fit both of our cars in there! But at this particular moment in time, it was the bane of Dr. M’s existence.  

Tuewednesday, February 28th & March 1st                             
As discussed previously, neither of us got very much sleep during these two days. They’re both a bit of a blur, and so henceforth they shall be known as Tuewednesday! I paused briefly during all the packing to take a couple of pictures.

6:00 a.m., waiting on AAA (for the 2nd time).

You’ve already seen this picture, but it bears repeating. Torrents of rain & wind. Tornado warnings. Apparently we were bringing the storm with us? (Literally – we were driving the path of the storm as it headed toward NC).

Thursday, March 2nd                    
What a difference a day makes! Dr. M had put my recliner in the carport, so I had a nice view of him working before our help arrived. My dad, Sue, and my aunt Vivian worked like troopers to help us get ALL THE THINGS into the house. Then later that night my cousin Kim & her husband Nathan helped with the last few things from my car. And brought pizza & birthday cupcakes! We were too busy for me to take a picture, but my appreciation knows no bounds.

Dr. M put the girls and friends on the deck for a while (they’re inside now because temps have been in the 20s at night).

Friday, March 3rd     
It was my birthday! And what do many folks have to do on their birthdays? Renew their licenses! Dr.  M went with me so he could go ahead & get his NC license too. He looks like a civil war soldier in his (of course). I look perplexed. I’ll share the pictures once we get the real licenses in the mail. After that ordeal, and lunch out at a very fancy burger place (I had the veggie burger), we headed home for a bit & then Daddy & Sue took me out for dinner. Afterward, Daddy showed us the proper way to eat a cupcake – ha!

After I got home, Dr. M & I enjoyed the fireplace – so nice!

Someone on Facebook commented that it looked like we had already unpacked & settled in, so I had to take this picture of the current “junk room” – still plenty of boxes left to unpack!

Saturday, March 4th       
Dr. M took some pictures of the local bird scene. I’m sorry my wordless Wednesday post confused folks – those were the last shots of our old birdbath in Ohio. We need to get a new one for here.

Dr. M also assembled our old glider & enjoyed some time sitting on the deck.

It’s still a little hard for me to believe that we’re actually here. Tomorrow is my first day of working from my new home office. Wish me luck! Hope everyone has a great week! 


  1. Take your time getting settled in! At least there is no stressful deadline on the "settling in" part of moving, unlike with the "moving out" portion!

    The fireplace looks like the perfect thing after a hard day's work. Is it a wood-burning fireplace, or a gas fireplace?

    1. Wood-burning. This far I have been burning store-bought firelogs and what few limbs had fallen in the yard. But there are plenty of people who sell firewood around here. I should get some now and let it cure through summer.

  2. Happy belated birthday. Your pictures remind me of how much I hate moving.

  3. It looks like that nice relaxing fire was just what y'all needed. Just remember, slow and steady wins the race. :)

  4. well, that was an ordeal but so glad you are there and settled somewhat in your new home.

  5. Moving is the worst. We moved 32 years ago, and there is STILL one unpacked box up in our crawlspace. No idea what's even in there! Now it's a time capsule. We've decided not to unpack it until it's been there 35 years. We hope it's full of money. LOL.

  6. The good news is that living in the midst of chaos is better than traveling through chaos. Happy settling in, and happy catching up on sleep!

  7. How many notepads does one family need?

    Good question, due to my wife's love of stocking up on all sorts of stuff I figure we have enough notebooks for any future grandchildren that might come around years from now.

  8. You survived!!
    Isn't it hard to believe how much we accumulate?
    That fireplace looks so cozy. I hope working in your new office is going well. Enjoy getting things the way you want them to be. That's the fun part of moving: getting your stuff situated in the new place. It begins to feel like home.

  9. Definitely wishing you good luck in telecommuting. I love the fireplace and your cozy new home. You guys have done some heavy-duty work. Way to go. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  10. Will Dr. M seek a new job or is he officially retired. (Actually, I'll be he's just tired after all that moving.)

    At least Dr. M is smiling at you in that recliner just relaxing ;)


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...