Sunday, September 23, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-eight

This was such a busy week that we barely remembered to take any pictures at all! As I look through the ones we do have, I note a rather pink theme. Ha!
Sunday, September 16th                          
Sunday afternoon chores – okra & green beans fresh from my dad’s garden!

Monday, September 17th                                    
Although it was still pretty soggy from the remnants of Hurricane Florence. Dr. M took a few pictures around the yard.

Tuesday, September 18th                                                      
Same as it ever was…

Our Encore Azaleas have been lovely!

Wednesday, September 19th        
We didn’t take any pictures today, so I decided to just plug in the weekly furniture pictures here. The pink chair was a special request from a little girl.

Thursday, September 20th             
Dr. M took his dad to the eye doctor. Someone mentioned on Facebook that Pop looks a little skeptical. He’s probably thinking, “what are you doing with that newfangled gadget you whippersnapper!”

Friday, September 21st                                   
Work was CRAZY today & I never got to eat my afternoon snack so I was starving when I texted Dr. M that I was on my way home. He said, “Little Caeser’s?” And I said “on it!” And yes, I did eat a slice of pizza on my way home. Ha!

Saturday, September 22nd                                         
My caption for this was “Nervously turning circles into squares while I wait to see if the #atlantabraves clinch their division. #crochet #baseball #stressful” My worry must have worked because they did it!

Work has been extra busy lately & I’ve started alarming my coworkers with Frantic Mode Bug. How do you handle stress?


  1. Don't let work get you too stressed out!

    How do I handle stress...? By eating chocolate (it's cheaper than Prozac - ha!).

    1. Oh yeah - chocolate is DEFINITELY my go-to stress reliever!

  2. I actually like Little Caeser’s pizza. They have a drive through next my daughter's high school and when my wife calls to tell me she will be home late we usually head straight there.

    1. We like it too - and it fits the budget quite well!

  3. Okra--probably The Only Vegetable that I simply cannot stand. I've given it more than a few chances in more than a few preparations, but nope! More for you.

  4. more eye popping chairs. do people actually sit in those chairs? are they comfortable? pretty flowers. I never got my okra planted this year so we haven't had any.

    1. Some of them are really comfortable, but others I think are just for impact instead of sitting on.

  5. I just can't, with some of those chairs. On the other hand, thank goodness your company can produce such things for people who want them. Imagine wanting an over-the-top pink chair and actually being able to get one. Hooray! Good to see the post Florence flowers, too!

    1. Yes - I agree that our furniture is "different." Ha!

  6. Replies
    1. We sometimes bread it with corn meal & fry it, but usually we just add it to vegetable soup in the winter.

  7. I've been in frantic mode too. Must be sunspots!

    1. If it's sunspots, does that mean there's an end in sight? I sure hope so!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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