Sunday, September 16, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-seven

We are about 250 miles inland from Wilmington, NC, so we escaped most of the devastating impact of Hurricane Florence. Today we just have a LOT of rain and a little wind. There is a possibility of flash flooding, but nothing like the eastern part of the state. It will be quite a while before those folks dry out & their lives get back to normal.

Sunday, September 9th                          
I worked on a baby blanket for someone at church.

I thought it would be cute to make a hat with some of the leftover yarn. Note to self: do not use floofy blanket yarn to make pom poms. Dr. M had to vacuum me off!

Monday, September 10th                                    
Your furniture fix for the week.

Tuesday, September 11th                                                      
Dr. M got some new logs to play with. These are from Roy Toy.  Not as famous as Lincoln Logs, but it’s been around since the 1930s.

Wednesday, September 12th        
Thrilled to find a paper folder at work. Less thrilled at how “well” it handled a paycheck (don’t worry - it was my direct deposit stub).

Listening to a new audio book. It’s set 2 miles below the surface of the ocean. The main character was asked if he was claustrophobic, but I believe the correct question would have been, “are YOU claustrophobic dear reader?” Because the guy is still in the bathyscaphe & I already can’t breathe. I’ll just be over here hyperventilating for the next week or so. #dramaqueen #butreallyicantbreathe (I entirely blame Ellen Abbott for this - she got me started on this series).

Thursday, September 13th             
Another building project. I love the sheep on the roof – they’re trying to make sure they’re safe from the hurricane. Ha!

This is the face of a woman who wishes she’d worn a headband while mowing.

Friday, August 14th                                  
Looking for Florence.

The mum my cousin gave us last year got put on the deck & left alone all winter – and here it is all revived this year.

Another blanket square.

Saturday, September 15th                                        
Why yes, I did thoughtlessly put this shirt on to go out running errands. Dr. M asked if I was trying to be funny and it took me a minute to get it. Sheesh.

Now that I've finished with this post I plan to spend the rest of this rainy Sunday crocheting and reading the new J.D. Robb book. What are your plans?


  1. Well, it's Monday, and NEO is getting the last of Florence...perhaps. A bit of rain late today, but cloudy all day. And more soppy humidity. WILL I EVER BE ABLE TO TURN OFF THE AC? WILL WE EVER HAVE FALL? This September has been hot, miserable, humid, and overall lousy.
    Apparently, today I am going to bitch and wallow.

    1. Bitching & wallowing is rather a specialty of mine. And since we're definitely still feeling like summer I'm right there with you!

  2. we actually had a whole day without rain yesterday and a sunny sky! made me want to be outside but after just a few minutes the monstrous mosquitoes chased me back in so I just busied myself with stuff in the house. one more day like that today and I might be able to get my raised gardens ready to plant.

    1. Mosquitoes used to LOVE me, but I haven't really noticed them bothering me as much as they used to. I'm kind of afraid to find out why!

  3. The Hubs was just talking about getting some building logs like that just to have fun with some child hood memories :)

    1. Both Roy Toy and Lincoln Logs are readily available on Amazon, etc. They are not compatible with each other. Roy Toy logs are rectangular; Lincoln logs are round. Once I found out that I had a Roy Toy cabin, I was able to order more, knowing they would be the same scale, etc. I enjoy making my own creations! Dr. M

  4. I would never have known those weren't Lincoln Logs. They sure look like 'em! Glad Florence wasn't a problem for you. I love the wild furniture you encounter at work!

  5. I am learning so much about the difference between a hurricane that skips by us here in southern Canada, and blows down a few trees compared to the deluge that takes over an entire state and floods everything in it's path!!! WOW!!! I hope the water diminishes in the very near future for all of you.

    1. Yes - hopefully all the rivers will crest tomorrow so that they can go back down to their normal depths.

  6. That mum is beautiful! And I think your choice of a shopping shirt is hilarious. 'Course I've been called sick in the head.

    1. NO, not you! Sick in the head? I, too, thought it was hilarious.

  7. I remember when we were waiting for Hurricane Irma's arrival last year - our sky looked just like your picture. Grey, ominous, full of dreadful anticipation. Glad you were spared! I can't imagine the stress of flooding, having mud and water in your house, everything ruined. From what I understand, the rivers are still rising and flooding may increase, still.

    1. I think the rivers are STILL rising, but hopefully will go back down soon!


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