Sunday, September 9, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-six

It was nice to have a day off this past week, but that means that I’m going to be a little salty to have to get up & go to work tomorrow. Thank goodness I like my job!
Sunday, September 2nd                         
Another fine edition of The Bug Parking Badly.

Monday, September 3rd                                   
New square. Don’t stare at it too much – it’s a bit crazy-making!               

It was time for Martha Goose to go to school.

Tuesday, September 4th                                                      
I had my annual “female” exam today. I wasn’t too sure about the audience.

Wednesday, September 5th        
Dr. M put together a new bookcase & got my Dick Francis books shelved. Excellent!

Another spiral.

I got into bed & looked at my fitbit. Can you guess what I did next? (Also, you’d think I’d check before I get into bed – this seems to happen to me a lot!)

Thursday, September 6th             
Spiral #3. You’ll be glad to know there aren’t any more.

Friday, August 7th                                  
Your weekly look at furniture from work.

Saturday, September 8th                                        
Dr. M found a Daniel Boone log cabin kit & has been having a lot of fun. The caption for this picture is “Ol’ Dan’l appears to be vexed by sheep.”

This is what true love looks like - because I was about to just burn the whole skein of yarn!

Meanwhile, I tried to put my glasses on...while I was wearing glasses. 

It was a good bit cooler this morning when I went to church. I guess I have to face the fact that it’s pretty much fall now. I’m just not really an autumn lover. I think I’d be ok with it if it didn’t get dark so much sooner. Can we defy the rotation of the earth so I can have more daylight? I would really appreciate it. What’s your favorite season?


  1. Another fine edition of The Bug Parking Badly.

    Trust me, I've seen much worse parking. Especially by locals driving huge SUV's who decided three parking spaces are their God-given right.

  2. We're getting a ton of rain and gloom, but I'm just grateful it's not 90 and horrid. Bring on Fall! Bring on my leggings and boots! I do miss the light at 8:30 PM, but it's a tradeoff I'm willing to make.

    1. I was looking longingly at the swing dresses at Kohl's today, but I don't have the legs for leggings. And that will probably be true even when I hit my goal weight because of the genetic double-whammy of fat knees & fat calves. Sigh.

  3. I need a new bookcase and a shelving rack for the workroom. more kooky furniture. who designs that stuff?! and don't think I've seen a log cabin kit with rectangular logs, they've always been round.

    1. We wanted to get another Ikea shelf, but they discontinued the ones like our other shelves. Dr. M ordered this one from Amazon. See today's post about the logs...

  4. I love the cowskin chair and the livestock paintings! I wonder if that's one of the doctor's relatives' artwork?

    1. That's an excellent question - it does look like amateur artwork.

  5. I love all your parking pics because I am the same way.
    It was so bad the other day, I got out at the parking garage at work - saw how I parked & had to go back & try again - It was that bad where I couldnt leave it.
    & do you know someone still PUSHED my mirror in. I should have just left my car where no one could have parked next to me. GRRR

    1. I really don't get how bad I am sometimes. It's not like I'm not trying!

  6. My favorite season is fall. Ha.
    That crazy square reminds me of The Twilight Zone
    I keep saying we should get the grands some Lincoln Logs. They're great for kids and H would have fun playing with them.
    I'm glad you like your job. I've wondered about that - how the adjustment was and all. It's nice when you like what you're doing and who you're working with.

    1. You should get some Lincoln Logs! H would have a great time - with or without grands :)

  7. Love the cow and other critter art, but I would've thought they belonged in an optometrist office.

  8. I wonder if the doctor gets any comments and feedback about those onlookers...

    I like fall. It's just like summer, except a bit later.

    1. Ha! Well I guess that would be true in Florida... :)


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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