Sunday, September 2, 2018

2018 Project 365 – Week Thirty-five

I’m not sure I can express how excited I am to have the day off tomorrow. Especially because I slammed my finger in the door in the bathroom at the Ruby Tuesdays today and typing is a wee bit painful. Fortunately it’s my left hand so it doesn’t affect my crochet. Ha!
Sunday, August 26th                        
Lots of pictures today! First of all, I played hooky from church to go mall walking with my dad.

Then we swung by the house to pick up Dr. M & went back to my dad & Sue’s house whereupon they fed us (yum!). We went out to check out my dad’s garden.

Then we went to my brother’s house to pick up their old dining room table. Thanks to my brother & his wife for wanting to get rid of it & thanks to my dad for helping Dr. M get it set up in our house.

THEN Dr. M saw a wren on the front porch. We wondered if it had been born in the nest that was in the petunias last year. 

 Finally, the moon!

Monday, August 27th                                  
Block #16 in my last colorway. I don’t really like the green – I kind of wish I’d picked a different 4th color for this blanket, but 16 squares in I’m not going to be making any changes. This isn’t for me anyway – hopefully it can find a home with someone who likes the color combo. I’m thinking about selling it. We’ll see!

I thought I’d show all four squares so you can see how different color combos can completely change the look of a pattern.

Tuesday, August 28th                                                      
Last year when I couldn’t walk out to the impatiens bed, Dr. M would occasionally bring me a popper to pop (popping the seed pods is my favorite part of impatiens). He dumped the seeds in our palm plant & this year we ended up with five impatiens plants! We’ve even had some blooms. Makes us smile.

Wednesday, August 29th        
My lovely dinner. That’s edamame, not lima beans (well, I guess technically it’s mukimame – edamame is soybeans in the pod).

Thursday, August 30th             
I didn’t actually take all of them on Thursday, but I decided to group all the furniture pictures from work here.

Friday, August 31st                                  
Dr. M watered the plants and then we got a gullywasher. Ha!

Saturday, September 1st                                       
How the heck is it already September? I spent the morning trying to work on the new blanket block, but it was coming out WAY too big (like 2 inches too big), so I gave up & decided to make an alternate. This is from 2015’s crochet along. It looks complicated, and it is, a little, but so much fun!

I was getting ready to head out to clean my car windshield & saw this tiny little guy on the porch. Dr. M had to get his photo. I love the bright blue tails that these five lined skinks have when they’re young.

It feels like I had something to say here, but my mind is blank. Oh! I can mention that today at church I took such a big hunk of communion bread that my brother said I had to count it as two WW points. I got so tickled that I had to work VERY HARD not to start giggling during communion. And the look on my face apparently made the people around me also have to work hard to stop giggling. When was the last time you laughed at an inappropriate moment?


  1. When was the last time you laughed at an inappropriate moment?

    Its been awhile as far as laughing is concerned. But I tend to make comments without making sure the person involved isn't anywhere near.

    1. My cousin & I walk at the mall & are very vocal at how crazy politics is these days - I often wonder who might know us & be aghast. Although anyone who really knows me knows what I think. Ha!

  2. Your Wednesday dinner salad looks delish. You aren't hiding any fruit in there, are you?

    I think your company should make some non-weird couches, and then you should post photos of those "normal" couches on here - I'm looking for ideas.

    Dr. M's skill for making it rain is a lot less expensive than mine (I always have to buy a piece of camera equipment - ha!).

    1. No fruit! This time anyway :)

      We do have some semi-normal looking couches - I just don't photograph them. Maybe next time.

  3. I used to love to pop the seedpods of Ladyslipper flowers when I was little. Do they even sell those plants anymore? Now that I mention those, I never, ever remember seeing them anyplace.

    1. I used to do that too - and I also haven't seen them around. Maybe next spring I'll try to pay special attention.

  4. I love the crazy furniture your company makes, totally impractical but so cool!

    1. I agree! I wonder if the folks who get the REALLY weird furniture ever plan to sit on it. Now we do have some very nice leather stuff that's pretty comfy.

  5. Never heard of popping seed pods. Will look for them now.
    More fascinating/interesting furnitures!
    Love all your crochet squares. The off white is elegant and brings out the textures more.
    The avo green and dark blue is effective and striking.
    Have a great week!

    1. I don't really like that green - but that particular square is pretty striking.

  6. Is it only when they're young that five-lined skinks have blue tails? I did not know that! Bravo for the impatiens plants and, as usual, the groovy furniture is interesting!

    1. Takes awhile...I’ve seen some pretty big ones that still have less vibrant but noticeable blue tails. But the tails fade and the lines grow pale in adulthood. Mostly we just see young ones, because they are more adventurous and playful. Sometimes they chase each other around like kittens or puppies!

  7. Did you realize your glasses matched your dad's shirt?

    1. I hadn't realized - ha! We must both have great taste :)

  8. Well, didn't you just get a great deal on a table and chairs? I like that size.

    Your dad's garden looks good. Do you get to bring any of the groceries home?

    We have something in common. I love to pop the seed pods, too. My niece was here the other day, and she had never seen them. Squeezing seed pods is like therapy, maybe better.

    1. The size of the table is great - AND it came with a leaf, so we can make it bigger if we have a lot of people. And yes, I did bring home some okra & green beans. Yum!

  9. Just this week I learned about poppers. Very fun! That salad looks amazing!

    1. It was really tasty - I need to get those ingredients to make it again!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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