Saturday, October 10, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Dr. M & I were in a bit of a funk this week, so the quality and quantity of photos is a little slim. Nevertheless, I shall post what we have. Good luck?

Sunday, October 4th                                                                 

I had a project, inspired by Ellen Abbott. I picked one of each flower that is currently blooming in our yard and did a little collage. It was a lot of fun – I’m going to try to remember to do it each season next year. It will be interesting to see how it’s different. I’ve started on a labeling post, which I’ll share later, but in the meantime, can you identify the flowers? 

The Roy!

Monday, October 5th                             

Dr. M found a giant face jug in downtown Lincolnton. Very cool! 

Tuesday, October 6th                                                                  

No photo, but this is a screen shot of a notification on my phone from the Brave’s playoff game. All the games were at 2:00 in the afternoon so I wasn’t able to watch any of them. Poo. 

Wednesday, October 7th                                                             

My latest weird lunch – cottage cheese, tuna, and a cut up plum. Really good! 

Also, I got my flu shot that morning, but didn’t notice the Captain America bandaid until I changed clothes after work. Love it! 

Thursday, October 8th          

No photo.

Friday, October 9th                                                                        

My snack – a whole apple, whole banana, grapes, carton of jello, and some cool whip. It was a lot!

Saturday, October 10th                  

Rainy day. I was trying to capture how the acorns accumulate along that strip of grass in the driveway, but my iPhone camera was unexcited by the low light and trying to focus through the rain. 

I have to say, it feels like every week there is a new level of national crazy. Am I overwhelmed & starting to feel numb? Yes. Am I still going to try to speak truth to power (in my own quiet Enneagram 9 way)? Yes. And also, I am going to vote. Early voting in NC opens on Thursday and I plan to be there! What is your voting plan?


  1. I like your flowers, but I know our native flowers much better than garden flowers. I think I see an azalea,an aster, a day(?) lily, acorns, and begonia. Oh -- and geranium. The combination of colors is great -- actually very autumn-like.

    I got my flu shot about a month ago, but I didn't get a Captain America bandaid! I'm jealous! And I must say -- the grapes and banas duo looks a whole lot better than the cottage cheese number. I don't mind cottage cheese at all, but tuna just doesn't seem like the best dance partner!

  2. I like the face jug - very cool. Another full week for you it seems. I plan to vote early.

  3. SWMBO and I received our Early Ballots in the mail today and have already voted. Just need to drop them off.

  4. he's gone off the charts crazy. I read one thing which could or could not be true that he wanted to wear a superman shirt when he left the hospital so he could do the whole pulling open the shirt thing when he was on the balcony.

    I'm not even going to comment on your crazy eating habits.

  5. Those flowers are beautiful. That's a pretty neat project.
    You're rockin' that bandaid.

  6. I already early-voted, in person, masked and gloved. It was very safe and I could tell they had planned ahead: social distance stickers 6 ft. apart for the line; one person in the foyer at a time; stylus sanitization; each voter scans his/her own DL if that's her ID of choice; hand sanitizing station before and after voting. Not a single person touched me or anything I touched. And everyone was masked inside and outside the Board of Elections.

    Your flower collage is pretty. I could have only added my bright red geranium and my now-pinking hydrangea. Oh, and a stray pansy. Fall is really here now. But the leaves are getting spectacular.

  7. OK... how did you ever come up with the tuna/plum/cottage cheese combo? I'm not sure I can get past that one :) LOL
    I'll do the mixed fruit bowl though - YUM


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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