Saturday, November 28, 2020

2020 Project 365 – Week Forty-eight

I have had a lovely couple of days off with a nice mix of housework, crocheting, and book reading. Oh, and FOOD. I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of the pecan pie that Dr. M got me. Oh well, too late now. Rest assured, there are pictures of other food. 

Sunday, November 22nd

We watched a movie for the first time in forever – an old favorite. I’ve probably watched The Martian, read The Martian, and listened to the audiobook of The Martian about a blue million times now. Comfort food for my brain! 

Monday, November 23rd                                

Still plenty of beauty in our yard.  

Tuesday, November 24th                                                               

Dr. M took the mower to his dad’s house for the winter (he has a covered shed where it can be out of the weather). While there he took this picture of his dad’s (mostly feral) cats. Several of these were taken & fixed recently – hopefully the female who had two litters of kittens this year was among them. 

Wednesday, November 25th                                                          

Sign from a local Hardee’s – made Dr. M laugh enough that he turned around just so he could snap the photo. Ha!


Thursday, November 26th          

I couldn’t decide between sweet or savory oatmeal this morning, so I made a small amount of each – the top one has mushrooms, a fried egg, and parm; the bottom, pomegranates and almonds. Both were delicious!

Zoomsgiving! Not everyone participated, but it was nice to see so many family members.

Dr. M fixed us a feast! (We got sweet potato soufflé from my cousin.) It was all delicious! 

Friday, November 27th      

I got Dr. M a lava lamp for his birthday & he plugged it in today. Groovy, man! 

I’m working on a surprise present for a special someone. 

Saturday, November 28th                     

Our 30th anniversary is next month, and as usual we couldn’t wait until then to give ourselves a present. We got an air fryer/convection oven/toaster oven combo. Very excited to see what all we do with it! First, up, zucchini chips! 

Last week I wrote about being excited for a short workweek, and now it’s the next Saturday & I will have to work all five days next week. It’s going to be a shock to the system. Not the actual work (I like my job); getting up early enough to get to work on time is going to be the issue. On Thursday I woke up at 8:00, on Friday at 9:02, and today at 9:16. You can see the disturbing trend. Perhaps I should aim for 8:00 tomorrow? We shall see. Have you had a nice holiday? Will Monday seem rude to you too?


  1. I had a couple of chuckles here. For one thing, I'd forgotten about lava lamps. Then I remembered that lava lamps help protect the internet. How cool is that?

    Those kitties look like they're related, for sure. They're cute, but it's good that some of them are getting 'snipped.'

    As for the holiday weekend, the only big news is is rain, glorious rain. We've had two days of it now, slow and steady, and we really needed it. We needed it so badly that no one's upset. Maybe tomorrow a butt-kicker of a cold front will come through, and then we might-maybe be into autumn proper!

    1. Well that was just fascinating! Thanks for sharing the link!

    2. I think we missed two of seven. We have papers on five kitties that were snipped and vaccinated. Pretty sure one of them was the mother of these black and white ones. My fault. This spring Dad had two cats. I should have acted sooner. Yes, autumn proper is coming!

  2. Oh I'm a big fan of The Martian! I've read and still have my copy of the book. Haven't bought the movie on Blu-ray yet but it will happen.

    My Thanksgiving was pretty good. At work, my group brought in food and we had a huge feast. I walked out of our shop that afternoon feeling like I was going to puke.

    Yeah, Monday is going to be an issue.

    1. As predicted, it was EXTRA hard getting up this morning. And I also had trouble sleeping. Ugh.

  3. all I can say about (most of) your food combinations is something is seriously wrong with you...fried egg and parm and oatmeal. and is that forsythia blooming? a bit early.

    1. Hee hee - I think I'm a food genius! Also, YES THE FORSYTHIA IS BLOOMING. That is NOT right!

  4. What the heck is going on with that forsythia? Things there are as mixed up as your oatmeal breakfast.

    Love that sign. I'd have turned around for a snap of that, too!

    1. I know - all of our flowers have been crazy. We had daylilies up until a couple of weeks ago!

  5. Better alert Val to that Hick sign. She'll love it. And all I can say about the food is that Thanksgiving turkey looks mighty pink to me.

    1. Ha! It was funny that we ended up with ham, but that's what we had in the freezer. Dr. M much prefers turkey.

  6. Comfort food for the brain - I like that! I reread books just for that reason.
    Let us know how the air fryer/convection oven/toaster oven combo does. I looked at those when trying to decide between that and a microwave. Currently - settled on a plain toaster oven but . . .

    1. We think there is a learning curve - but you know we'll keep everyone up-to-date on our experience!

  7. Zoomsgiving - I love it!
    OHH - I like that hat - looks like a pixie hat - so cute!!!

    1. It's actually a baby blanket with a hood - when it's done it's going to look like a dinosaur. Maybe. If I can attached the horns & spikes correctly. Stay tuned!

  8. Thanks for the ideas: pomegranate seed on cereal and zuchini chips!

  9. The pomegranate is so good on oatmeal! We got them in our late winter Misfits boxes & I've been waiting until they showed up again.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

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