Sunday, May 2, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Eighteen

This is the week of the temperature blanket (at least according to my photos). Plus birds and flowers. You know, the usual.
Sunday, April 25th  
I’ve been enjoying this book! I listened to it this Sunday too.

I washed The Monster (my 2016 temperature blanket for those who might not remember) & prior to folding it to put away for the summer I decided to “try it on.” Man that thing is huge!

Monday, April 26th   
My current temperature blanket is starting to look like an explosion of My Little Ponies.

Tuesday, April 27th  
Cardinals always look so ANNOYED! I love the photo that Dr. M got of Papa in flight.

Wednesday, April 28th       
Look ma – I’m knitting! This is a dishcloth, which is the perfect full circle thing for me to knit. The whole reason I started crochet was that the person who used to give us knitted dishcloths left the family (she was a girlfriend) so I decided to give it a shot but I was intimidated by knitting needles & had crocheted long ago. Will I start handing out knitted dishcloths on some distant Christmas? We shall see!

Our azaleas, showing off.

Thursday, April 29th     
Well, the My Little Pony phase didn’t last long – today I messed that whole vibe up with the introduction of RED.

Friday, April 30th    
Phoebe babies!!

Dr. M got his second jab today. So so grateful.

It’s Ms. Rita the Vermillion geranium’s gotcha day! I got her at a church conference five years ago. She’s still waking up from her winter slumber and giving off a serious bonsai tree vibe. 

Saturday, May 1st    
It’s May! It was GORGOUS and I spent a great deal of time crocheting and knitting on the deck. And I have a wee bit of sunburn to show for it (plus a finished crochet project – photo shoot after it dries). Anyway, here is my temperature blanket through April. It’s interesting seeing the gradual change from the cool weather colors to the warmer ones. Just wait until we get to orange and yellow!

We had a council meeting after church today – the first “real” one since last February (we’ve been zooming, but it’s not really the same). We even talked about starting the choir back (the CDC says that we can if we’re vaccinated – our choir is usually only 8 or 9 people). Things are starting to feel a little more normal. Yay! But really we’re only as safe as the rest of the world is, so I hope that India is able to come out of its crisis SOON. How are things where you are? Feeling a little closer to normal? Or are you a “nope not ready yet” person (this is where I fall, but I guess I don’t have any say in the matter).


  1. I've been fully vaxxed since mid-March. Last night, we went to our favourite restaurant for indoor dining to celebrate my birthday--the first time in over a year. It felt wonderful.

    My geranium has been roughing it outdoors on the porch in all kinds of weather for over a month now. It's been putting out blooms and new leaves and shoots even in temps of 40s and 50s. It's Ohio Strong!

    You could loan out your previous temperature blanket to outdoor performances of Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat!

    1. We usually only bring our geraniums in if the temps are below 34 or so. But they probably have become wimpy NC geraniums - ha!

  2. either our barn swallow babies hatched and fledged within a week or something ate them. you're looking a little native up there in 2016's blanket.

    1. I thought the same thing, Ellen. I took one look and saw a Native American ceremonial robe of some sort.

    2. What's especially funny is that the pattern I used is called Apache Tears :)

  3. I have a half-dozen of those knitted cotton dishcloths stored away. My mom loved making them, and eventually I realized I almost had gone through my stash, so I quit using them.

    Your azaleas are gorgeous. They've come and gone, here. So have the redbuds, for that matter. The Southern magnolias are in bloom now, and some of our summer flowers are appearing. I guess they should--it was 90F in Houston today! The first sweat of the summer has happened, too.

    1. Well, I'm getting kind of addicted to making these dishcloths, so just get me your address & you might get a batch you can actually use!

  4. I love that temperature blanket. But how does the Prof like having a squaw around the house. 🤣

  5. Fascinating temp blankets! I liked you regally robed. Could it be used as a weighted blanket?
    The baby birds are so cute!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...