Sunday, June 6, 2021

2021 Project 365 – Week Twenty-three

It’s Sunday night & I’m a little salty that I have to go to work tomorrow. What is up with THAT?
Sunday, May 30th  
Our daylilies have exploded! I think last week when I said they were early I was remembering Ohio where they didn’t bloom until mid to late June. How long have I been back in NC?

I went back for more puzzling. Daddy & Sue fed me & then they cleaned up the kitchen while I worked on the puzzle. I’m just a little bit spoiled.

Monday, May 31st   
Hydrangeas that were given to Dr. M’s family at his mother’s funeral – they’ve been gorgeous!

Other scenes from his dad’s yard. The neighbors are using part of his yard for their goats – which Dr. M appreciates because that cuts down on mowing.

Tuesday, June 1st   
Went to walk with my cousin and was less than successful in getting my car parked. There were extenuating circumstances, and yes I DID get right back in there & do a better job.

Morning glory!

Wednesday, June 2nd
Ms. Pinky of the Two Tones…

I did a couple of swatches to try to see what color I should mix in for my shawl. I’ve picked the black because I wear a LOT of black, and also I’m thinking it will have a stained glass effect. I’ll post a picture of my progress next week so you can see if I was right.

Thursday, June 3rd
The Braves had a day game so Dr. M decided to watch it with his Pop. They won! (This is noteworthy because they have a less than .500 record and it’s a little sad around here.)

Friday, June 4th
New arrivals in the wildflower bed – things are getting interesting!

Meanwhile, Heather D. Sheep is doing a fine job watching over her Mandevilla.

Saturday, June 5th
I had a hair situation going on.

Weekly temperature blanket update. I kind of like it when I see it like this – up close all those different pinks make my eyes cross.

When I say this next bit, please remember that I am by nature a slothful person who doesn’t really like to do a lot: I’m starting to resent that there aren’t more hours in the day. There are so many things I’d like to (or need to) do and I just keep running out of time! It would probably help if I’d stop playing my favorite game on my iPad and also if I’d quit spending so much time on Instagram – but those are things I want to do too! How are you at time management? If you’re good at it, does it make you happy, or should I just quit worrying about it?


  1. Love the coneflowers. The greenish one with the beetle is especially fetching.

    1. Yes - I was thinking about making it my Facebook wallpaper, but then Dr. M took some more pictures this week & now I want one of THOSE.

  2. I've had a few daylilies but most are not sending up bloom stalks. I like the black background. I think it sets off the color better. and quit worrying about time management. do the things you want to do and ignore the rest.

  3. I'm terrible at time management, especially in the mornings. I fritter away a LOT of time then. All of a sudden it's ten thirty, and I'm in a panic with a ton of things to do. It's ridiculous that I can't break this habit.

    1. I do that in the evening - I park my butt in my recliner & there I stay until it's (past my) bedtime!

  4. Puzzling and food--what a deal!
    Hydrangeas are wonderfully hardy, lovely and lasting!
    I've been letting my hair grow so I experience many hair situations!!!

    1. Yes - the more hair we have the more shenanigans it can get up to!

  5. I usually manage my time pretty well, although we've been so busy at work in recent weeks that I've been falling behind on things more. I don't know how people with kids manage!

    1. That's what Mike is thinking (I'm the child in this scenario) - it's hard to get everything done!

  6. I love your parking... I feel like we relate in that area ;)

    1. Hahaha! Heaven forbid we try to park NEXT to each other!

  7. Don't worry about your time management. It will only make your hair frizz. And, for gawds sake, don't moan about your Braves. Just look at where my Diamondbacks are and then realize that we may not (again) win the World Series this year. 😥

    1. Baseball is going to be the death of me this year!

  8. My time management skills are getting bad. I simply don't have the energy to mentally keep up with things like I once did. These days when I get home from work I just want to crash and watch TV.

    1. Same here! Minus the TV - I play on my iPad instead.


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Ten

I’d like to blame the current administration for the state of my nails, but in fact they break off every year at this time. It’s like they d...