Wednesday, June 30, 2021

In Which I Post a Ridiculous Number of Pictures from Roan Mountain (plus a silly video)

We took a little road trip to Roan Mountain (located on the ancestral land of the Cherokee) on Sunday in search of Catawba rhododendrons. Here is what Dr. M had to say: “Let’s talk about the southern Appalachian spruce-fir forest. It is returning! Yes, the balds will be less bald next time y'all visit, but it is so great to see the young trees thriving and to walk in the coolness of their habitat. So soak that in, then inhale the stunning flowers of our high country! All images shot 6000+ feet above sea level (60 miles or so northwest and a mile up from where we live).”

As we drove back down the mountain we stopped at the Roan Mountain State Park visitor’s center so I could get a new t-shirt (I got 2!).


And then we headed home.


It was a good good day.


  1. I bet it was a good day! BEAUTIFUL! Take me along next time.

  2. What a wonderful day trip! Thanks for sharing it.

  3. I LOVE the close-up you got of the baby fraser fir with its little bitty cones. Stay away, balsam woolly adelgid!

  4. Beautiful photos of a beautiful place. And I love the video with the hanging sheep seeming to be tracking the curves of the highway.


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