Sunday, October 16, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Forty-one

Well, baseball is over for us since the Braves were eliminated yesterday. Now I’m trying to decide who to pull for – Cleveland? Houston (because we love Dusty Baker)? San Diego? It’s kind of nice to only sort of care. Although obviously it would be nicer if our team had won.
Sunday, October 9th             
As I mentioned last week, Dr. M & I took a little ramble and got lunch at a place by Lake Hickory. I got the black bean burger. We were both too hungry to photograph the food, but I took a photo of the menu especially for Nance. Check out that description – ha!

Monday, October 10th
I made myself a tuna melt for dinner. I took a picture of the open cabinet door & texted Dr. M asking him why I had left it open. It’s not something I usually do & I was perplexed.

Tuesday, October 11th       
The Bugly’s last ride. It started overheating on Monday & Dr. M limped it to his dad’s house today so that he could borrow the truck (Floyd the Ford). He took pictures of all the places he had to stop to let it cool down before he could continue. We could probably get it fixed, but it’s 18 years old and has over 200,000 miles on it & I think it would be like a game of whack a mole if we started putting money into it. We were (and still are) VERY SAD about this. The Bugly was Professor Rhyne’s car at school, and it was our road trip car. It’s going to be hard to let go.

Last week I had spent some time around someone who had COVID, so I tested myself for the first time ever.

Wednesday, October 12th                 
Dr. M moved Sheepie to Floyd and we were all sad again.

Got my hair cut again. Look at all that gray!

Thursday, October 13th           
Today was a momentous occasion! I finally reached the point in the blanket where I stopped increasing & started decreasing! According to my calculations it’s going to be 9 feet by 14 feet – definitely out-monstering the previous monster (my 2016 temperature blanket).

Friday, October 14th          
I had the day off from work and spent it with my cousin attending the virtual Evolving Faith conference. It was SO GOOD! Man. But it lasted from 9:30 to after 6:00 and I was WIPED OUT. I could barely form coherent sentences when I got home. Sorry, Dr. M!

Saturday, October 15th      
I went back over to my cousin’s house for the morning session. When I was getting back in the car, Audrey jumped in – twice! She apparently wanted to go home with me. So adorable.

Dr. M got this nifty BBQ set from his aunt’s house. It’s pretty substantial – we think it might be useful in the Zombie Apocalypse too. Now we just need to get a grill.

Seattle fans started wearing shoes on their heads for some reason (rally shoes!) and somewhere around the 15th inning I decided to try it. However, they ended up losing in 18. (Note: I did not wear the shoe the whole time. No doubt that’s why they lost.)

Well, the time of baseball is nearly at an end, and the time of hockey has begun. The Carolina Hurricanes have won their first two games of the season. Maybe someday I’ll actually watch a game (their next four games start after 9:00). No worry – the season lasts about four years so I’ll have plenty of chances to watch. I know that all four of my readers are just fascinated – ha! What’s keeping you going this fall? Candy corn? Pumpkin (pie) spice? Guy Fawkes night? Do tell!


  1. We here in Houston would be pleased to have you cheering for the Astros. I'm not much of a baseball fan, but I happened to tune in to game 1 on the radio at the top of the 8th inning -- so I was "there" for the walk off home run. Needless to say, I listened a bit to game 2, and then there was last night. Eighteen innings? Lord, have mercy. How any of those players made it through that, I don't know.

    Sorry about the car. I know this -- I couldn't afford even a new used car at this point, so I'd better take care of Princess. She only has about 175,000 miles, though, and my last one had 356,000 when I finally sold her, so there's that.

    I'd let you know what's keeping me going this fall, but so far we don't have anything that even vaguely resembles fall. Maybe this week. I can tell you this: candy corn will have no place in my celebrations. Ghastly stuff!

    1. That was a CRAZY game! Sheesh! I mean, that's two whole games with no break in between.

  2. There is justice. The Dodgers were also eliminated. Somewhere up there, somebody likes me.

  3. That menu description would have kept me from ordering the black BEAN burger, as you know. It would also have kept me from going back to that place, probably, unless the food were truly terrific. If the menu were not laminated, I'd also have corrected it. (I'm so militant.)

    Please root for Cleveland, the youngest team in baseball. Who wants the Yankees to win, really? Go Guardians!

    1. We are definitely pulling for Cleveland for now. If they beat the Yankees and then are playing Houston then I'll probably change allegiances even mid game depending on who's losing. Ha!

      Also, the burger was EXCELLENT. I added a fried egg just because I could and it was very tasty.

  4. Audrey clearly loves a car ride! I wonder if it would be worth having the Bug-Mobile diagnosed just to see if it's an easy fix? As for your cabinet door -- a Halloween ghost, perhaps?

    1. Oh I definitely left the cabinet door open - I just don't know WHY. Did I think I might need an extra plate for my sandwich? Who knows.

      The thermostat issue would probably cost about $900 - and it's not even the thing that Mike thought would go bad first. Plus there are structural issues (the passenger seat is precarious, etc.). I think if we didn't have the ability to get something else we might work harder on it, but it feels like a lost cause.

  5. Sad and hard to get rid of a well used care. My Volvo was 24 yrs old, 240,000 miles before we finally abandoned it. It stranded me three times in 6 months.

    Because your temperature blanket is obviously not big enough, I think you should add a black line to separate the months. I saw a picture of a temperature blanket that the woman was knitting and she had done that.

    1. That black line would have been very striking with this blanket! Sadly I'm almost done with August, so not going to happen. I think I would have cried to add twelve more rows anyway (well, I guess it'd be 11 extra rows because I wouldn't have done one for January, unless I also ended with a black row and that would just be TOO MUCH).

  6. Your hair looks great - gray and all! The temp blanket is beautiful and I love the colors. If I did one here, all the colors would be the same - hot.

    1. See, what you could do is have colors for 60s, 70s, 80s, and then 90, 91, 92, 93... Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...