Saturday, October 1, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Thirty-nine

Is it just me, or did September last about 5 minutes? August was three years long, September was 5 minutes long. Make it make sense!
Sunday, September 25th            
I was out & about in the world with this mascara situation. Fortunately I mostly wear glasses. Of course, for all I know, people thought I meant to do it that way.

Monday, September 26th  
It’s bean field season! Dr. M knows how much I love them.

Tuesday, September 27th       
Just watching baseball and crocheting and craving candy corn for some reason.

Wednesday, September 28th                 
We found out this morning that Dr. M’s aunt Judy passed away. Here she is at Dr. M’s doctoral hooding ceremony in 2007.

Dr. M was heading to his dad’s house to let him know and locked himself out of the house. He was understandably a little frazzled. However, he put his time waiting on me to come rescue him to good use.

Thursday, September 29th           
Before the storm…

Friday, September 30th          
We had Judy’s funeral today – hoping to get it in before the effects of Ian hit our area. Pictured here are Dr. M & two of his cousins.

Saturday, October 1st        
Ian definitely didn’t hit our area as hard as had been predicted. My dad says he measured three inches of rain at his house. We were lucky! And to celebrate I made the fruit cocktail cake (although let’s be honest – I was going to make it regardless). It is VERY SWEET. I will probably cut the sugar in half if I make it again. And I was too impatient to let it set up, so my first piece is a bit of a mess.

We ended up not taking the road trip we’d planned. We’d already canceled due to the potential for heavy rain due to Ian, and then we ended up having a funeral to attend. I’m glad I already had the day off. How was your week?


  1. I'm sorry to hear about Dr. M's aunt. The older we get, the more of those unhappy occasions come our way. I'm not sure about that fruit cocktail cake. I seem to be losing my taste for sweets a bit as I age, and things that used to appeal, just don't. I still love my treats, but cobblers and such appeal more than candy and such.

    I'm sure glad you weren't badly affected by Ian. We're back to needing rain, but at this point I'll settle for a bit more drought if it means no hurricanes.

    1. My sweet tooth has definitely calmed down the older I get. It's been a weird phenomenon for me!

    2. After I went through menopause I lost my taste for cookies, candy, never cared that much for cake. Fortunately I still like pie!

  2. So sorry about Dr. M's aunt. I will remember your note about the fruit cocktail cake if I ever make it. Did you buy fruit cocktail in heavy syrup, or in juice? That would make a difference. Thank goodness you got away with just three inches of rain!

    1. I DID use the heavy syrup. And the coconut was "lightly sweetened." It was a veritable sugar fest!

  3. Congratulations on your Atlanta Braves clinching. Good luck in the playoffs.

  4. Sorry about your vacation. What a shame.

    If there's coconut in a recipe, I'm out. Cannot stand the stuff. You can have my share. As my students used to say, "I'm not about that life."

    1. Ha! It's not my favorite either - although I don't hate it. I was thinking that next time I'd skip the coconut & pecans. Shoot - I might skip the topping altogether. The cake looked pretty darned good without it!

  5. Glad to hear Ian didn't wipe you off the face of the earth.

    1. Yes - we were prepared for a lot crazier weather than we got. Thank goodness!


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2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

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