Sunday, October 9, 2022

2022 Project 365 – Week Forty

It’s Sunday afternoon and I’m feeling nappish. Dr. M & I took a little road trip & ate lunch out and I am still so full that I’m afraid that when I go to the grocery store later I won’t even want to buy anything. Maybe I should take that nap instead. But first, here are our pictures for the week.
Sunday, October 2nd            
On my way to church I was contemplating my faith, or the lack thereof. Fortunately, that day’s message was about how whatever size it is, my faith is enough. And that little act of goodness you did last week? Good enough (and maybe add an extra one this week).

Went by my dad’s house. They had left me a few puzzle pieces to put in – then after the “photo shoot” I had the joy of ripping it back up again.

Monday, October 3rd
Family Mexican night. I got my favorite quesadilla – chicken, black beans, zucchini, etc. I had half of it & the rest for dinner the next night. Yum!

Tuesday, October 4th       
I was meeting with someone in my office & left to make some copies. While I was gone the employee apparently decided to create a little art installation with my magnets. Ha!

Wednesday, October 5th                 
You know, not everyone can pull off this very fashionable look! (Otherwise known as “I’d better clip this skirt before it gets caught in the #%*$ wheels of my chair one more time.”)

Thursday, October 6th           
Dr. M says that whatever your seasonal needs, Walmart is ready for you.

Apparently he was inspired because he decorated the house once he got home.

Friday, October 7th          
It was a lovely day, so Dr. M did some deck sitting.

Saturday, October 8th      
I had my Braves headband on while I was doing my chores, and this is what greeted me when I took it off. Now that’s attractive! I hadn’t washed my hair since Wednesday & it had so much product in it that I could basically just pose it in any shape I wanted.

You know, yesterday was a lovely day. I did some chores, did a lot of reading, watched some baseball games where I didn’t care about the outcome (Braves don’t play until Tuesday). And today has been lovely too. And now I’m feeling kind of greedy. Do I really have to go back to work tomorrow? I reckon so. Darn it. How was your weekend?


  1. Speaking of seasonal, a friend and I had quite a discussion tonight about candy corn. We decided that they're changed the recipe, because today's candy corn isn't nearly as good as the stuff we got as kids. It was softer, and tastier. And remember? There were pumpkins and other Halloweenish treats along with the corn. We decided the good stuff's made from mallocreme. Now I want some.

    The weekend was good, until my computer started acting up. Two hours later, I managed to figure out the problem, and fixed it. I'm giving myself a gold star, and going to bed. I'm almost eager to go back to sanding and varnishing. Computers give me a headache.

    1. I really prefer the mallowcreme pumpkins to candy corn. I think you're right about how candy corn isn't as good - it's like eating candle wax.

      I'm glad you got your computer sorted!

  2. That first photo--you might as well be driving in Ohio! I see the soybeans are almost ready. LOL.

    I would eat that quesadilla twice a week, too. It sounds and looks very good.

    1. Those soybeans are definitely ready now - they're a nice ashy brown this week.

  3. Candy and other food manufacturers always change their recipes to save money I guess a d the result is always terrible. Chips Ahoy cookies used to be good. We would buy them and then they changed the recipe and they were terrible. Never bought them again. Same with saltines, don't know what they did but I could barely choke one down.

    Oh, I worked my butt off in the yard this weekend.

    1. I am not surprised that you worked in your yard - you're a machine! And I agree about the changes in food. When I came back from Zambia was when I noticed the Chips Ahoy didn't taste as good. And the only way I eat saltines now is as mush in my tomato soup. Ha!

  4. Desperate times call for desperate measures...sometimes a clip is the only thing standing between you and your sanity. Puzzle machines!!

  5. I'm inspired to have quesadilla for supper.
    What do y'all do with the many puzzles?

    1. They've been just keeping them - we worked one that we'd already worked just last week. Ha!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Nine

I don’t even know what to say here. What can we say?  Sunday, February 23rd       We ended up not having choir practice so I decided to go t...