This past week was another crazy one with long hours. Fortunately I didn’t
have to talk to quite as many people as the week before, but there was a lot of
data entry. This coming week will be less crazy (here’s hoping). But you never
know. What you do know is I will tell you all about it.
P.S. Thank you for all the comments on my post about Roy. We're still pretty sad.
Sunday, May 21st
Dr. M & I went on a ramble, got lunch, and a banana milkshake for me afterward. It was a nice break.
No photo.
Even though I got to the office at 7:00, the morning was spent mostly twiddling my thumbs because we couldn’t start data entry until after payroll closed. Here are the things I did to keep myself busy: ate Angelfood cake that had crushed pineapple in it (Delicious! Coworker made it for another coworker’s birthday); noted a maniacal gleam in my eye during one of my trips to the bathroom; went to CVS for a prescription (I laughed that my car knew I was going there without being told); ate a chicken salad sandwich with Cheetos on it.
Got to work at 7:00 a.m. and around 9:00 mentioned to a coworker that my breakfast had worn off. She Grub-Hubbed second breakfast for me! I ate the pancakes on Wednesday, and the eggs, biscuit, & sausage for lunch on Thursday.
Headed to work at 6:00 a.m. & saw the sunrise for a change!
I stopped to get gas on my way into the office & felt like something might be awry with my hair. And I was right. It matched how I felt all week.
From the Socials: These last few weeks have been HARD for me. It was open enrollment time at work & I was in charge & I was NOT my best self. Cranky, imperious, staring vacantly at the piles of paper on my desk (& under my desk & on the card table I brought into my office). And I had to interact with so many people! My introverted enneagram 9 self was struggling. But I think we made it through. Hopefully. So shout out to my coworkers who were all angels, to Dr. M who mostly let me be when I came home completely depleted, and to my dad’s wife Sue who gave me the Phish Food I’m about to eat with my “healthy” lunch (Cheetos & Nekots). Full disclosure: she got me two pints - I ate the other one last night