Saturday, May 20, 2023

2023 Project 365 – Week Twenty

Man. What a week! Open enrollment packets started streaming in on Monday and by Wednesday we were drowning in paper. I worked 10-12 hour days and had to talk to MANY more people than I usually do. Frankly, I’m amazed that I’m being coherent right now. (I am being coherent, right?)
Sunday, May 14th
A new to me snack – peach yogurt with cottage cheese in it. Yum!

Monday, May 15th              
Dr. M had a doctor’s appointment this morning – his A1C is down and so is his weight – go Dr. M!

I wore a new outfit today – I thought I was cute. Ha!

Tuesday, May 16th                  
Paper paper paper… This is maybe 1/6th of the paper we saw. Next year we’ll be doing all this online (fingers crossed).

Wednesday, May 17th                             
I was headed to bed & knew I hadn’t taken a photo, so here are my tulips which are sliding into Morticia Addams territory. I love them!

Thursday, May 18th                  

And here is evidence that someone in our house eats oatmeal the usual way (it was Dr. M).

It was the first game of this round of the hockey playoffs, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay awake for the whole thing. Turns out I was right – the game was almost six hours long. They had four overtimes. That’s a whole second game. And they lost. But what an epic battle! I went to bed at the end of the first overtime.

Friday, May 19th                  
I talked to So. Many. People. this week. My little introvert self was WHUPPED.

Here I am at the end of the day...

Saturday, May 20th          
Ellen Abbott sent me some oatmeal that had “Seasonal Flavor” on the packets. She wondered what the heck seasonal flavor was & you know I volunteered to find out.

Meanwhile, Dr. M was out getting groceries for his dad. One of the cats was enjoying the day.

Last week I said that I thought this week would be the last of the really intense busy days at work. I was wrong – we have another week of pretty hard work (entering all the benefit changes for almost 600 employees), then it should calm down. I’m looking forward to being able to hide in my office for a while. Ha! How about you – are you drained or energized by people?


  1. I think you're cute too. a photographer friend of mine did a whole series of black and white shots of dying tulips. they were pretty awesome. my double orange daylilies have just exploded into bloom.

    1. Thanks! I think tulips make such interesting shapes the longer I have them around.

  2. Drained, for sure. But I've become more and more of a quiet old hermit.

    1. And an emotional support cupcake - I need one of those!

  3. I loved your videos! It's great to see you moving and talking. I think we all need an emotional support cupcake now and then. And why is "seasonal flavored" lemon? Hmmmm...

    I'm impressed you have day lilies already. Ours don't show up until July, if they show up at all. (They didn't last year!)

  4. I usually have an emotional support glass of wine or some emotional support Biscoffs. But they're never lucky enough to go on a walk, like your cupcake.

    Lemon oatmeal just seems wrong to me. I won't address the addition of raisins.

  5. I wondered about lemon as a 'seasonal flavor,' too. I decided it's because lemonade is a summer favorite; I'm still trying to wrap my mind around flavored oatmeal. Of course, I have trouble with most flavored oatmeals -- and flavored coffees, too. That stack of papers sure does look intimidating, and exhausting. I hope by the end of this week you're done with it!


Thanks for stopping by - I'd love to hear what you have to say!

2025 Project 365 – Week Seven

Dear America, you are whack in danger. Signed, a Concerned (but Weary) Citizen. (I might switch this up next week, but so far it still seems...